Las clases de español para 3-5

Los capítulos

Capítulo 1

Los amigos y la familia

Objective: Students will be able to...

1. I can say who my friends and family members are by using the verb SER.

2. I can use adjectives to describe my friends and family.


The verb SER= To be

El capítulo de los amigos--vocabulario

Los adjetivos--conversation

Capítulo 2

Las montañas y la playa

Objective: Students will be able to...

1. Describe their day at the mountain and the beach.

2. Say what they like to do when they are in the mountains and beach.

3. Indicate what clothes they wear at the mountains.


Clothing song--¿Que ropa llevas?

¿Que ropa llevas?-- Vocabulary list

¿Qué ropa llevas? La conversación

Capítulo 3

Las actividades en la casa

Objective: Students will be able to...

1. Identify the different rooms in their home.

2. Say what they do when they are home.

3. Say what their family members and friends do at home.

Las actividad de la casa--vocabulary list

Los quehaceres de la casa vocabulario

Las actividades en la casa video

Capitulo 4

La ropa y las compras

Objective: Students will....

1. Say what they like to do in their community

2. What they want and like to do in their community

3. Express where places are located in the community


Las ropa y las compras vocabulary list

¿Donde queda el museo?

La ropa y las compras video--Realidades

El verbo ESTAR

El verbo QUERER

In the 3rd- 5th grade, students will further develop their communicative skills that have acquired in their previos grades. In addition, students learn to write in the target language through stories, literature, articles and other different more in-depth readings. Spanish class in only conducted in the the target language.

En el 3er-5to grado, los estudiantes desarrollarán sus habilidades comunicativas que han adquirido en el grado previo. Ademas, los alumnos aprenderán a escribir en el idioma principal tras los cuentos, literatura y artículos. Se les enseña a los estudiantes solo en el español.

Messages for students and families/ Mensajes para los alumnos y families

Students, please review chapters 1-3. Under each chapters, review the vocabulary and listen to the songs. In addition, please review the Central American map

Everyone is expected to work on duolingo for at least 15 minutes a day. I will be checking for your work. If you need your duolingo user name and password, please email me:

Estudiantes, por favor repasen los capítulos 1-3. En cada capítulo, repasen el vocabulario y escuchen las canciones. Además, repasen el mapa de América central.

Todos tienen que estar trabajando por duolingo por los menos por 15 minutos cada día. Estaré chequeando los trabajos. Si necesitas tu contrseña para duolingo, me envias un mensaje:

4th grade virtual classes

Please start the new vocabulary, la ropa y las compras. See the link above for the new vocabulary words. Both 4th grade optional virtual meeting are still held on Wednesdays. Mrs. Herron-Smith's class from 1-1:30 and Mrs. Martin's 2-2:30. The link to the classroom is...

5th grade virtual classes

Please start the new vocabulary, la ropa y las compras. See the link above for the new vocabulary words. Both 4th grade optional virtual meeting are still held on Thursdays from 12-12:30. The link to the classroom is....