Honey Cilantro Lime Chicken

Date: March 25th, 2020

Hi, All! Here's my first entry! Today I made one of my favorite meals, Honey Cilantro Lime Rice with Grilled Chicken & Avocado! My friend Kellee taught me how to make this rice. IT'S SO GOOD. The video is to your left.

Disclaimer: this is in no way a required portion of my classes. It's not even a "recommended part." I've just had many students ask me to share my food & shake recipes all year long, and share a bit of how I do different active things around the valley. I'm simply using this as a platform to share that with them while we are all stuck at home. :)

I made it with regular jasmine rice, but I also really like it with cauliflower rice as well. Your choice! I made it with Jasmine rice this time because I got a little crazyyyy and went on a long bike ride today.

Now, there's a few things that I want to explain.

1. I eat two main meals a day and drink two large protein shakes. This meal is over 800 calories and is more than a suggested lunch intake. It would, however make a good dinner for you all :)

2. I will make a video tomorrow about my shakes. All you 4th hour kiddos have been asking about them for a long time so I thought I'd kick that out of the way in the first couple of days.

3. At the end of this video, I listed all of the nutritional facts about this meal. At least the simple ones, anyway. In the next week, I will put together a video explaining what all of that means, how you can calculate your own goals and macros, what you should be taking in for your activity level, etc.

4. BIG AND LOUD REMINDER! All of you should be working to maintain your body weight, not add or gain. Protein will help you build muscle but you also need carbs to fuel you. DO NOT MODIFY ANY OF THESE RECIPES JUST BECAUSE YOU THINK THEY'RE TOO "FULL OF CARBS." NO ONE CARES. Anything I post on here will either be VERY BALANCED or it will be for the purpose of pre/post workout. Y'ALL LOOK GREAT, YA HEAR?

5. If you ever need help substituting, something isn't clear, whatever, let me know and I'll help ya!