Hands Down

Design Notes

Update (Jun 2022): … click to read more

Jun 2022

It's now 2 years since I started down the rabbit hole that led to Hands Down (first with Notarise). I'm still using Hands Down exclusively (Rhodium, a.k.a. Neu-rx+), and really couldn't be happier. I have been super busy writing all sorts of academic papers, tens of pages per day, and teaching online (typing real time in both English and Japanese). Every Hands Down variation on this site for at least a week, to get a feel for its performance. They're all so much better than QWERTY it is ridiculous. 

A host of other new layouts have appeared since I started this. I've tried many of them out, and many are also extremely good! I still much prefer the Hands Down typing sensations and rhythms, but there are so many other great options that it is a good time be jumping the QWERTY ship and doing your joints a favor.

I finally got to working on an implementation on ZMK, and posted links for my current draft. My QMK code has matured, and an update there will come when I have time.

I'll plan to do some work on the Hands Down Polyglot project while in France for a research year. Already my nascent ability and initial French corpus analysis and typing have shown exceptional results.

Happy Typing!

Oct 2021

There's a new Discord Server for Hands Down here

July, 2021: The review of my notes this summer has led me to rediscover some previously explored but unfinished avenues of research. These included some notes about rolling and stats for punctuation, and an early, primitive exploration of what is now known as Adaptive Keys. Spurred on by these findings, I developed new layouts, Hands Down Élan, and Hands Down Neu, then Hands Down Gold,  Silver and Bronze. They are still just close enough to the core Hands Down Home Block that I consider them part of the family, but they are all another notable step ahead in many ways. 

This verbose website has served as the training ground for typing on each new layout. First the Hands Down Reference layout, then Hands Down Alt, Hands Down Alt-tx/nx, Hands Down Élan and now Hands Down Gold. I think the Hands Down theories and variations are now very close to tapped out. and there is a complete family of layout options that have a high degree of coherence, even with their many differences. After you have become comfortable with one of variation in the Hands Down family, it should take considerably less time (a week or two) to become proficient with another of the variations, should your interest or needs change. Hands Down variations are definitely mature enough to heartily recommend as suitable for daily use. I still strongly feel that the best layout is the one that feels comfortable to the individual typist, so you should use the one that makes the most sense to you, whether that is a Hands Down variation, or something else.  

May, 2021: It was Labor  Day, 2020: The thought of designing a layout hadn't crossed my mind when I tried Workman on my new Redox, just after passing my literature PhD qualifying exams (on a newly built Kyria that I still use). A few weeks later I had designed Notarise, becuase Workman wasn't working for me, then a few weeks after some very helpful feedback, I posted the first request for feedback on Hands Down. After some interest, I created this website initially to facilitate wider peer review as the work evolved. Hands Down has now matured a bit, and I'm aware of some errors/discrepancies in my documentation throughout this site (documentation/stats/layout JSON files, etc). That's not exactly surprising, since this whole project is new, done while a full-time graduate student and teaching demanding language courses.

It's time to tidy things up. I will soon begin the last phase of reviewing all my notes and logs, and comments from others. I will update this site and all the layout information when I can. The result of this review will certainly be very close to what is here, but some slight changes could be made to the layouts themselves, so it might be best to consider everything here as a very late stage beta version. (Don't expect much change to the home-block—3x3 under index, middle, ring+pinky & thumb resting positions—as that sort of defines "Hands Down", but do expect things to be more polished and consistent throughout.)

Hands Down "1.0"—the peer reviewed, edited, time-tested version—will be finished sometime this summer; but I'm still in school, and teaching an intensive accelerated language course this summer, so it will be some time before I can give it it the focused attention it deserves. I hope then to finish all the study across various keyboard types, KLAs, producing the definitive versions of KLA JSONs, and finalizing the native OS support for Linux, Mac OS, and Windows.

Very special thanks to all who've given Hands Down a try, and have reached out to offer comments—this has most certainly helped improve the design, helped me be more accurate with my documentation, and have identified errors that I now get to correct.

Hands Down is designed
for a new generation of smart keyboards
to keep your Hands Down on the keys. 

Hands Down on home row … with modifiers (HRM)

Let me be clear…
Home Row Mods are a choice for comfort,
not for speed.

Hands Down is designed to take ergonomic keyboard design further, being specifically designed for small, split ergonomic keyboards with home-row modifiers in mind. Solving the problem of damaging lateral force that occurs when the the pinky must hold down shift key, or the thumb is curled under the palm to press down and hold a modifier, is a critical component of any comprehensive ergonomic solution. Hands Down does work well on ortholinear (a.k.a. matrix) (i.e. Planck, Preonic, etc.) and even traditional row staggered keyboards (see OS support for traditional keyboards on the downloads page). It is simply inspired by modern split ergo keyboard designs.

Hands Down extends the logic of relieving the deforming lateral forces on the pinkies and thumbs, being specifically designed for small split ergo keyboards with a deliberate thumb cluster and column stagger and uses layers (...like Absolem, Atreus, bat43, Corne, Gergo, Iris, Keyboardio, Kyria, etc..and possibly any Ergodox, Dactyl or manuform variant)Hands Down aims to improve comfort and performance by reducing hand movement away from home row even for shift, ctrl/cmd, alt, as well as for layers such as navigation, numbers, fkeys, media key etc. 

Harmful static lateral force from holding modifiers is the primary reason to consider home row modifiers, but many layouts already burden the index and middle fingers with such high frequency letters that the added burden of home row modifiers creates inefficient overuse. Mod placement and the layout itself must be designed together, including considerations for finger frequency, dexterity, and neighboring letters in shortcuts. By considering the impact to home row fingers taking up the ctrl/alt/cmd/shift work previously done by the pinkies, the layout and keyboard together produce more comfortable typing.

 Hands Down was designed specifically for ctrl/alt/cmd/shift (CAGS): Shift on index, cmd/ctrl on middle, and Alt always on ring fingers.  In concert with my Semantic Keys, cmd/ctrl would swap middle/pinky, according to platform.  This is one of the main reasons why Hands Down avoids overburdening the index finger, to reserve capacity for the busy shift work. If you are serious about considering Home Row Modifiers, I recommend you check out this page by Precondition for a thorough, technical discussion of home row modifiers. Cmd/ctrl on middle-finger allows for many easy one-hand shortcuts, and shift on index works well with opposite hand shift to balance the load and reduce misfires.

Mana Harbor's Miryoku project helps to manage home row mods with Colemak-DH and Dvorak, and some other layouts. Ironically, the word miryoku (魅力) is Japanese for "charm," or "beguiling," but Colemak just didn't captivate me, though Miryoku does. It could be that Colemak expected too much of my index fingers (with the added burden of home row mods), or because it was uncomfortable for me when typing  in Japanese, where K is very common. But Miryoku is very smart and thorough, and worth a look.

Hands Down does play well with shift on thumbs

Home Row Mods are not for everyone, and they do have drawbacks. The big drawback is timing control for multi-use keys, and that can have a significant  impact on typing speed. Callum Oakley's style of "one shot" modifiers or a mod layer like Seniply by SteveP99 (Colemak-DH designer) are also excellent ways of handling modifiers on small keyboards, and these approaches work quite well for some. 

But you can also just keep the modifiers where they are. In fact, all the tests for stats mentioned here were done with shift on thumbs, for all layouts and keyboards tested, because none of the analyzers I used were able to consider multi-use keys required for home-row mods.  I used shift on thumbs for months before designing Hands Down. Shift on thumbs doesn't have the delicate timing issues that mods on home have, and still keeps the pinkies out of harm's way. It's totally worth implementing Hands Down this way (on backspace and enter, for example, but not recommended on space). 

For me, because of the frequent need to combine shift with other mods and having only one thumb, and my very heavy use of combos for my multi-lingual work, I went for the home-row mods route after months with mods on thumbs. It's not without issues, but I'm now quite comfortable with it, and definitely prefer it to shift on thumb, let alone on the pinky.  With careful attention to settings, home-row mods work very well, and the stats get better across the board. I don't aspire to being a competitively fast typist, so all my design decisions are made for long duration comfort typing (~80wpm sustained for long periods of time).

What about ALL_CAPS for keywords and acronyms? Holding shift while pressing multiple keys is particularly harmful to the weak pinkies. Obviously, simply pressing both L+R shift = CAPS_WORD, a super-fast, logical "more shift,  until the end of the word please." Of course, regular caps_lock is available by pressing the two keys adjacent to the L+R shift  combo. Gone are the days of strange contortions trying to string along three or four caps together while holding shift with a pinky because caps_lock is so inconvenient, right there on home row with everything else, literally right under your fingertips.

Hands Down is easy on the pinkies

Thumbs up for Happy Pinkies

The first step to freeing pinkies from their keyboard purgatory is to move the shift and other modifiers so the pinkies won't suffer from constant lateral pressure. Any keyboard and layout should work together to reduce the physiological strains that arise from using them in ways that stress the fingers by optimizing for each finger's attributes.

All Hands Down variations deliberately try to distribute finger burden roughly aiming to slightly favor the index and middle fingers in different ways; while producing a functional balance between the critical same-finger bigrams (SFB), neighbor-finger bigrams, and individual finger usage frequency.   Hands Down prime directive is to burden fingers according to their various strengths and weaknesses, more than to achieve some statistical objective (stats are used heavily, but only to the realize the prime directive). Hands Down follows a fingers-first design philosophy:

Nota Bene: Many BEAKL layouts are specifically designed to minimize pinky use, and may be ideal if reducing pinky use is your primary concern, or you choose to keep the mods on separate keys near the pinkies. There's a lot to like in many of the BEAKL layouts, but some take the pinky allergy to such lengths that I think the result may be sub-optimal. On the other hand, if you have a pinky injury...these may be ideal!

Hands Down Combos for a better Undo, Cut, Copy, Paste

A layout should not be constrained by these arbitrary, historical habits that are ultimately harmful.

 You do mean UCCP
not ZXCV, right?

That's right. In every keyboard is a communist plot lurking to take over the free world. Every single time you use cmd/ctrl+ZXCV, keyloggers built into every keyboard made since June 1989, coinciding with the official launch of the TCP/IP internet, encrypted data is sent through the dark web to random soviet counter-freedom cells located throughout the world. 

(This was the result of a deal Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev discussed with Ronald Reagan in 1984 after Gorbachev's Perestroika, to limit Soviet aggression for 30 years, or an estimated 30! keystrokes. The deal was confirmed by Reagan in his 1987 public declaration, "tear down this wall". That phrase was the public code to proceed with the keylogging project, aimed to "undo" divisions between sovereign nations via the border free internet. The first C of CCCP stands for Союз, or Soyuz, meaning "union" in Russian, but pronounced like "z" instead of "s". This far reaching Reagan-Gorbachov deal, finalized in Reykjavík, Iceland in October, 1986, (the original "Red October Surprise") also laid the foundation for the ISS to be serviced by Russian Soyuz spacecraft. The deal expired in July 2016, which freed the Russians to launch their counter democracy initiatives to hack US elections, directly leading to the unlikely election of Donald J Trump, who was supposed to complete the "undo" of US Democracy).

It's time to let go of all these outdated habits

Yes, ctrl/cmd+zxcv are harmful. 

In fact, it is the lateral static pressure (from holding the mod key down across the joint's normal axis of motion of pinkies or thumbs) for these very keystrokes that first caused RSI for me, and prodded me to start tweaking my own keyboards over 20 years ago. My personal experience is that these "shortcuts" are more harmful than QWERTY itself. My good friend has deformed pinkies, due in part from this static pressure from abuse of pinkies on standard (ANSI/ISO/JIS) keyboards.

To add insult to actual injury, the semantic functions Undo, Cut, Copy, Paste, have no essential mnemonic association with Z, X, C, V. They're there for the same reason's QWERTY is what it is—they were simply available and convenient when the idea came up (graphical interface with right-handed mouse), and now we're saddled with them. Are you left-handed? Use more than one pointing device? 

chording for speed & comfort

Why be constrained by arbitrary, historical, harmful habits?

My own keyboard use has been ambidextrous (double/quadruple pointing devices) for over 25 years now, so left-handed shortcuts for right-handed mousing is also not a concern for me. This means things will change, so editors like VIM, and some other things, may not play well with Hands Down without modifying them—but truly good editors can handle modernization with grace. Mnemonic mod-uses will naturally migrate with the keys (Close Window, Quit, Save, Open, New, Print, Tab, Reload, select All, Find, etc.).

Harmony of Chords
(a.k.a. Convenient Combos)

Because I use combos (2+ keys pressed simultaneously) for these non-mnemonic semantic functions, the underlying keys don't matter (my combos are much easier and faster than any mod+key anyway).  Combos put these functions in the same locations on the keyboard, regardless of the letters under them. You don't need Hands Down to benefit from this. Combos can work on any layout; QWERTY, Workman, Colemak-DH, Dvorak,  and on any keyboard; traditional, ortho-linear, split ergo; without sacrificing a thing, using excellent tools like Karabiner, or AutoHotKey.The functions stay in familiar locations for those times when you have to resort to someone else's legacy keyboard.

In my experience it's almost no learning curve, much faster no use, was a critical part of helping me try out so many layouts. On my keyboards they are platform aware (using Semantic Keys), so the keystrokes are the same regardless of OS. On Hands Down, the combos are:

The obligatory Hands Down design philosophy –(wip)

An unapologetically verbose statement of what I think I was thinking while designing the Hands Down family of layouts.

 What makes Hands Down click?

I'm going to write some stuff here about how I prioritized letter placements for Hands Down.  If you already know how layouts are designed, then what follows will likely be tedious

Hands Down was not developed by algorithms*,
and was definitely tested on human(s)†.

If you are wanting information to help you choose a new layout, knowing that layout choice usually involves a sizable commitment of time and effort, you may find this unapologetically verbose philosophy narrative worth your time, whether you end up choosing a Hands Down variation, Hands On, or any other layout. I do hope this will help you learn indirectly the reason's why QWERTY is fundamentally flawed, and help you find something better. There are very good alternatives that are readily available on most operating systems (Dvorak, Colemak, Workman). Native OS support for Hands Down Reference, Alt, Neu (and Hands On) is in the works. All these layouts have many differences, even if they score similarly on one analyzer or another. You should be able to understand the differences in order to choose (and maybe adapt) a layout to suit your typing style, physical keyboard, hand physiology, and even personal preferences.

Most new layouts have a design philosophy blurb, and, frankly, they all sound so similar that they sort of lose their value. They tend to talk about why QWERTY is bad, and how it is good to do this or that thing while typing (alternating hands, rolling fingers motions, reduced movement, etc.). There's nothing inherently wrong with these statements, it's just that at the blurb level, what we're all wanting is the same thing—more comfortable, efficient typing. But there are big differences in how a layout realizes that goal. Many times those high level goals are in such conflict that they are rarely achieved, and the choice of physical keyboard itself is as important as the layout you put on it. That's why I've been so verbose in all the other sections that are aimed at a specific facet of the design principles, or with a bit of design story, so you can understand it from a how point of view, rather than abstracted philosophical statements that might end up sounding like any other high-efficiency layout.  Here I will try to be clear about the what drives the design decisions of the Hands Down layout and its variations that might be different than the common goals shared with other designs; but I will explain it with practical examples of how it is manifest in the Hands Down design. I may draw contrasts with other layouts here, but in no way do I mean it to say Hands Down is therefore better (except for QWERTY). I know Hands Down is very good, but so many other layouts are also very good, just in different ways, and they may be better for you.

First, some terms I've used throughout this website: 

(The Buddha didn't write any scripture, and neither did Jesus, Lao Tsu or Socrates


Split ergonomic keyboards have been around since this stunning work of German engineering, the 1938 Rheinmetall-Borsig ergonomic portable. (photo by Dwane F)

Ditch the Slab

There is strong, research backed argument for split ergonomic keyboards.
click for more…

The "Standard" keyboard is harmful

The Blickensderfer model 5 of 1902 had only 32 "keys," if you include the carriage return arm as a key. Somewhere in the hundred and twenty years since, we've only made thing more difficult by adding almost one new key per year, and not given equal attention to the hands that use them. Some of Hands Down's exceptional stats are directly attributable to its small keyboard heritage, approximated on the layout analyzers. The result of all this is more comfort and more speed–less space is just a welcome bonus. (My Ingulish layout posts incredible stats with only 28 keys.)

Where is TAB? Semicolon? More combos (chording, sort of like stenography, only simpler): Just press QC for TAB (QW on QWERTY), ,+.=;, j+'=", ./= \.. You get the idea, there are many more of these, and they are actually easier to reach than on a separate key.  Full navigation and numpads, function keys and special symbols for programming or linguistics—all are embedded right beneath your hands in easier to understand and easier to reach positions than on a larger keyboard. These layers are accessed by the thumbs, which is why mods went to the home row.  Swapping mods and layers does work, btw (layers on home row, mods on thumbs), but I find it much less stress on my joints to have the thumb do the layer switching. 

I`ll eventually write more about my research into the physiological factors of keyboards here. Until then, here is a non-exhaustive pasteboard of various articles.

 I have over 100 combos on my 34 key keyboard, meaning I have the equivalent of much more than the "standard 101 key keyboard. I also use layers for organization and workflow efficiency, so my small keyboard can produce all the symbols and commands that any other keyboard can, but it is generally easier to remember and faster to access with combos. Since combos require pressing two (or more) keys at once, the switch spring weight can become more noticeable—I've used lightweight springs (35g or less) in my keyboards for this reason.


Make the machine adapt to you.

You need not suffer finger crippling injury like Schumann just to improve your keyboard skills.  You absolutely should modify your layout to suit your fingers, keyboard, and the sort of typing you do. 

My own choice for small keyboards was entirely for comfort.

…they work…

…very well.

Let's just tuck this new layout away in this corner of the internet...
It was a fun, and useful, Covid-19 quarantine distraction project. 
Now on to my dissertation,
"Myth and Repetition: The Weird Work of Myth
in the age of mechanical reproduction
as seen through the literature of
Thomas Pynchon, Neil Gaiman, and Shōno Yoriko",
about 500 pages to be typed entirely on Hands Down

Special thanks to Ian Douglas (keyboard-design.com), Redditors u/stevep99, u/symbiote, u/gilescope, u/autocorrelation, u/11fdriver, u/agemartin, u/apsuity,  u/fullgrid, u/semilin, u/conscat, u/boogerlad, u/iandoug, u/kanazei, u/molohov, u/appofia, u/replicaJunction, u/demosthenes59, Sidney Kochman, and many others for helpful ideas, critiques, and tools that helped me look at problems in constructive new ways. Hands Down could not have happened without their thoughtful and generous input. And thanks to many others who've taken it for a spin and suffered through the many iterations, and offered comments that have inspired the development, or prodded me to improve this documentation.