Using Google Classroom

As we proceed with distance learning AISD will be reliying heavily upon google classroom. We know that some of our students and faculty have already been using this platform, but there are still many who are unfmailiar with the software. We know you will have lots of questions and we hope the information and links on this page will help answer some of those questions and relieve some of the stress.

A Few Tips for Using Google Classroom:

  • Make sure you've "submited" or "marked as done" your assignment. If it doesn't say it's turned in, it's not!

  • Check your stream for extra information. Teachers will post notices, materials, and other information that will not show up in your overview. You must check your stream.

  • Turn off your notifications if you don't want to be alerted everytime a teacher adds an assignment to one of your classrooms.

  • Parents can request a weekly summary of any outstanding work the student has not submitted.

The most important thing to remember is:

If you have a question ask, don't wait! Email your teacher or send them a message in google hangouts.