Ch 8&7 - Ionic and Metallic Bonding & Nomenclature

Additional Resources & Links

YouTube: Tyler Dewitt - Ionic Bonding Introduction 

YouTube: Tyler Dewitt - Ionic Bonding Part 2 

YouTube:  Tyler Dewitt - Ionic Bonding Part 3 

YouTube:  Tyler Dewitt - Hydrogen Bonding & Common Mistakes 

YouTube: Tyler Dewitt - Naming Acids Introduction 

YouTube: Tyler Dewitt - Naming Acids Practice Problems 

YouTube: Tyler Dewitt - Hydrogen Bonding and Common Mistakes 

YouTube:  Covalent vs Ionic Bonding

Khan Academy - Introduction to Ions 

Khan Academy - Worked Example: Finding the Formula of an Ionic Compound 

Tyler Dewitt: Naming Ionic Compounds with Transition Metals

Tyler Dewitt: Naming Ionic Compounds with Transition Metals Practice Problems

Tyler Dewitt: Writing Ionic Formulas with Transition Metals

Tyler Dewitt: Transition Metals in Ionic Formulas

Tyler Dewitt: Writing Formulas with Polyatomic Ions

Tyler Dewitt: Naming Acids Introduction

Tyler Dewitt: Naming Acids Practice Problems

Khan Academy - Naming Ionic Compounds with Polyvalent Ions 

Khan Academy - Common Polyatomic Ions 

Khan Academy - Ionic, Covalent & Metallic Bonds 

Khan Academy - Covalent Networks, Metallic Crystals and Ionic Crystals

Khan Academy - Mini-video on Ion Size

Khan Academy: Intermolecular Forces 

Khan Academy: Electronegativity and Bonding 

Khan Academy:  sp3 Hybridization 

Crash Course Chemistry - Atomic Hook-Ups: Types of Bonds 

Crash Course Chemistry - Polar & Non-Polar Molecules 

Crash Course Chemistry - Network Solids and Carbon 

Crash Course Chemistry - Silicon: the Internet's Favorite Element 

Crash Course Chemistry - Polymers