Anatomy & Physiology

Anatomy & Physiology is an upper level course targeted at those students with a particular interest in the workings of the human body, such as students looking towards a career in nursing, medicine, or physical therapy. This course covers the anatomy and physiology of internal and external systems, reproduction and development, and the body’s defenses against diseases of all types. Material will be covered at an adult level that is more in-depth than what would be found in a general biology or health class. We will also conduct many lab activities, including experiments in which the students will be the test subjects (such as measuring heart rate after exercise) and dissections of grasshoppers, crayfish, cow hearts, sheep brains, and fetal pigs.

Anatomy & Physiology is strongly recommended for any students interested in life science or health and medicine. Successful completion of Biology or recommendation from Mrs. Woodman and/or the guidance counselor is necessary for enrollment in this course.

To see some of the activities we do in this class, click here!

*All class notes and homework will be posted to Google Classroom