Moses' concept of God

How are we to interpret the different conceptions of God attributed to Moses in Deuteronomy?

Concept #1

    • The universal Creator

    • a God of love

    • and trustworthiness

    • a father to his people

    • a God who can be found by searching

    • whose law is written in the heart (De. 4.29, 4.31; 6.4; 30.11-14; 32.4-6)

Concept #2

    • A partisan God of battles

    • a jealous God among foreign gods

    • a God who hardens the heart of the Pharoah

    • a wrathful, devouring fire who threatens the most terrible punishment for those who disobey his commands (De. 1.30; 1.34; 6.14-15; 7.4; 9.8; 11.23; 13.6-10; 20.16-17; 28.15-68; 32.22; 32.41-42)

Interpretive option #1

    • Those who would be orthodox must believe it all.

    • The aspects of “both conceptions” are all revealed aspects of the one, true God . . .

    • however difficult it may be for the human mind to achieve a coordinated understanding of these mysteries.

Interpretive option #2

    • Those who would be wise readers must discern the evolution of religion.

    • These writings represent different authors (from the 10th through the 6th centuries and beyond) . . .

    • who had crude and more highly evolved conceptions of God.

Interpretive option #3

    • Those who would understand the greatness of Moses must recognize his ability to compromise:

    • he said what he had to say in order to keep the people in line,

    • while revealing a higher concept as much as he could.