
Bishop David Malloy will confer the Sacrament of Confirmation on our children at a time and date to be announced.

Middle school students participate in a faith formation program in 6th & 7th grades which leads to confirmation in the Fall of 8th grade. Students will have Confirmation as part of their Religious Education Classes (please see Religious Education calendar); additional sessions/retreats may also be scheduled. Older students who have not been confirmed should contact Fr. Howard Barch to inquire about receiving the sacrament.

Confirmation is not considered graduation!  Faith formation is a lifelong process.  But this year most especially, Confirmation is part way through the school year.  With that said, we ask that the children confirmed continue the training received in the Confirmation Program even after being Confirmed.  We also encourage students to participate in the high school classes and Youth Group and attend the various retreats and conferences offered.

2020 Confirmation Photos:

Congratulations to all our 2020 Confirmation Candidates!