U-32 Student Council

Welcome to the U-32 Student Council Website!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: "Bring the Change" Fundraiser raised $1,070.34 for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

Congratulations to students who participated in the February Community Service event, the Vermont Foodbank Sort-A-Thon, they sorted 7,590 pounds of food (~11,500 meals)!

See the Recent & Upcoming Events page for more details.

When does Student Council meet?

Every Wednesday morning at 7 am in Kit Walker's room!

Feel free to come observe a meeting at any point, if you have something to present send us an email or let a Student Council member know ahead of time so you can be on the agenda!

Please reference the Calendar page for any discrepancies in meetings!

What does Student Council do?

Check out all of our Meeting Minutes and Recent & Upcoming Events! If you're wondering what Student Council can do, check out our Bylaws, they outline many things about the Council, its permissions, officer positions, etc.

How can I reach out to Student Council?

Send us an email at studentcouncil@wcsu32.org, reach out to any of our individual members, or fill out our Suggestion Box and Feedback forms!

Also, check us out on Facebook!

What's going on right now?

Committees: Student Voice, Public Relations (PR), Community Service

Events: Check back soon!

Issues: How can we help get students more involved within the school? How can U-32 make an impact on the greater U-32 community? How can we help students vocalize their concerns and issues about/within the school? How can we communicate effectively with students?


Check out the recent Chronicle articles involving Student Council!

What Has Student Council Done for You Lately?

Student Council: Building a Bridge for Student Voices