Algebra 1 Semester 2

Hey Guys,

This is where you will get info about our assignments. So with school being shut down for at least the next three weeks, I created a google site for you to see messages and receive your assignments. This will be the easiest way for you to access your work and get your new assignments. The website is attached in this link. When you get to the site click my name and your class and you will see the messages and the work below. Hopefully you guys have your books with you but I will try and upload pictures of the assignments as well. I will do my best to answer any questions that you have through me email in a timely manner. My email is After you complete your assignment if you can send me a picture of your completed work to this email that would be very much appreciated. If anybody needs anything or if there is something that I can do for you please don't hesitate to reach out to me.

The number 1 priority is being safe. Contact me at

Mr. O


You can work on the sheets I gave you on Friday. That should take you through Tuesday.


Good video on factoring by the differences of two squares....

Once you watch that video you should be able to do all of the sheets I gave you in school. Good luck! This should take you to Thursday/Friday.


Happy Thursday! Kudos to the students who have been turning in your work. It's very impressive that you maintain the work ethic and your thirst for knowledge with these enrichment activities. It will make you a stronger math student. After taking a look at what has been assigned I will hold off on additional material for a few days. You have plenty there. There are no hard deadlines, complete at your convenience but I get excited each time one of you sends me your work. Let me know of any questions you have, at


The work has been really coming in. Rachel is leading the way so far, but I am impressed with a lot of you guys. Here is some work to get you into next week. Please don't feel the pressure of deadlines. Do it when you can. Don't be a type A and feel you need to do it the minute it comes up. Don't forget to enjoy some time as a family during this unprecedented time in our history. You will be telling your kids about this someday! I apologize for the poor quality of some of the copies. I have been working on getting you work that should be clearer and easier to read. You will see those assignments below. For these you can click on the link and do the following: Start Thinking, Warm-Up, Cumulative Warm Up, Practice A and Puzzle Time. You DON'T need to do Practice B or Extension. If you do all of those you should consider it a day's work, maybe a day and a half. This enrichment will help strengthen your math skills. I am not permitted to give you any work you haven't seen before. You can take pictures and send to my email at and PLEASE keep a hard copy to turn in next time we meet. Be safe!!


Ethan is starting to make a run....


Please list the assignments you are sending in each email. It makes things much easier on my end when I am reading them.


Nice job on getting the work in. I am going to post another link. For these you can click on the link and do the following:

2.1 1-20

2.2 1-24

2.3 1-24

This enrichment will help strengthen your math skills. You can take pictures and send to my email at and PLEASE keep a hard copy to turn in next time we meet. Please list the assignments you are sending in each email. It makes things much easier on my end when I am reading them. This should take you through Thursday. Be safe!!


Nat is closing fast!! I am so impressed with the people who are keeping up and passing in assignments. It will pay off for you and I certainly won't forget it.


You can't hold Ethan down for long.....


Logan has joined the fray and has been cranking out the assignments. Keep them coming. I'll post some more soon! I don't want to overload you which is why they have slowed down a little.


Hey guys. The work keeps coming in. I am going to hold up until I hear more info from Mr. Rich on how we should proceed since we just got pushed out to May 4th. Keep the work coming!


Happy April Fools Day!! So Unfortunately the time has come. Just when I have this figured out they want us to shift all of our classes to Microsoft Teams. You can get there by going to You sign in just as you would sign in with your password at school. I will leave this site active so you can still access the material here especially for those who are a little behind. I am hoping it will be a smooth transition. If you have ANY issues please let me know and we will work it out. When you get there I will update you with messages in posts. I believe any videos will be under files. I downloaded one last week and it works, it just takes longer. I am hoping that site has plenty of storage. You are now accountable for all work that will be assigned. Failure to do it will affect your grade. I expect to see more information on that soon. Any questions email me at Be safe!!