Do not think that love, in order to be genuine, has to be extraordinary.

What we need is to love without getting tired.

Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.

-St. Teresa of Calcutta

Hi, I'm Maranda.

I was married in 2015 to my husband Tom, I'm a mother to two boys (#boymom), a bachelor prepared pediatric neuroscience nurse, and daughter of God. I love to spend time with friends and family and hearing stories from my adorable 91-year-old grandpa. I enjoy playing guitar (when I have time!), flower gardening, houseplants, lifting weights, rock climbing, or going on dates with my handsome husband.

I became a certified Symptopro instructor in 2020. I have helped engaged and married couples not only learn to chart with confidence and independence, but have also helped women determine hormonal imbalances through charting and referred them for medical follow up. I am passionate about NFP because I want to not only empower couples to love each other well but also empower women to know their bodies the way that God made them.


I'd love to journey with you.

Email Me | Text or Call Me: 740.475.9565
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