Documents & Background Information:

'Scenic Manor', formerly the 'Estates at Mulberry Knoll

P&Z Online Packet for the Public Hearing on 4/8/2021

Plus Review - Response from Developer-Mulberry Knoll.pdf

Preliminary Land Use Service (PLUS) Application: 2019-08-06

The State Response to the PLUS Application

PLUS review 2019-08-06 for Estates at Mulberry Knoll

Developer Response to Plus Review - 3/23/2021

From page 220 of

Nesting/Breeding Bird

ased on aerial images this site appears to have wetland habitat which could support sensitive marsh bird species including SGCN species such as Saltmarsh Sparrow and Black Rail. However, since SCRP does not have any records from this exact location, DNREC would like to request a site visit to survey for potential breeding marsh birds. Please see the "Site Visit Request" section below for additional details. To reduce impacts to ground-nesting marsh birds, it would be optimal if work activities are completed prior to April 1st. In the event that project activities extend past April 1st the following contingency plan could minimize direct impacts: A qualified biologist should be on-site to determine if and when marsh birds have begun establishing territories and / or nesting. Note: If nesting activities of a Species of Conservation Concern (S 1 and 52) have begun and a nest is within the area of disturbance or so close that abandonment is likely, work activities may have to cease until young are fledged or nesting attempt fails.

Response: Comment acknowledged; the developer has determined to decline the request for site visit at this time. The development site is currently utilized for agricultural purposes, and will continue to operate as such until such time that on-site construction is initiated. The developer / contractor will comply with all State regulatory requirements related to Nesting/Breeding Birds

DE Health and Social Service, Div. or Public Health - Tech. Adv. Comm.

2019-29 Scenic Manor DHSS DPH TAC Comments.pdf
2019-29 Scenic Manor 11x17.pdf

Wastewater Facilities

This section still under construction