Vermont Housing Resources

Looking for resources to support your advocacy effort? We are collecting them below! This page will continue to be updated for the duration of this project. Got something you'd like to see? Let us know! Our mission is to support the efforts of housing committees and community housing advocates, and we appreciate you helping us do our work better. 

CVOEO's free Renters Workshops provide participants the skills, materials, and confidence necessary to find and maintain stable housing. Workshops are offered as 60-90 minute webinars and as fully self-paced, online classes, and can be taken in any order - take one class or the full series!

A Vermont Guide to  Community Engagement  Project Development  and Resources put together by Vermont Community and Rural Development

This guide is intended to provide a basic framework so that we can have a common vocabulary when we talk about housing. It covers how we measure our housing needs, emergency housing, affordable housing and (coming soon) avenues for advocacy.

More Than Four is a collaboration of Vermont non-profit organizations whose missions include the promotion of equitable opportunities for affordable housing across the state. Here are some tools to help you stand up for more affordable homes in your community.

This toolbox contains resources to help communities assess local housing needs, tips for starting and enhancing housing committees, model zoning bylaws, outreach recommendations, and links to other Vermont state resources, such as Zoning For Great Neighborhoods. This set of resources is intended to stimulate community conversations, empower local leadership, and provide tools for policy change to increase inclusive, fair, and affordable housing. 

The National Zoning Atlas aims to depict key aspects of zoning codes in an online, user-friendly map. A team of community and student volunteers from Middlebury College and the University of Vermont are working together with the 11 regional planning commissions of VAPDA to develop a state-wide Zoning Atlas that will encompass all of Vermont’s 237 towns, 10 cities, 5 unincorporated areas, and 4 gores. 

The Village Wastewater Initiative Committee (VWIC) - led by the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC)- works to overcome the challenges preventing more than 200 villages from providing community sewer systems. The State’s Village Water and Wastewater Initiative page includes their calendar of events, recorded webinars, and  he toolkit available to help communities obtain planning, engineering and financial support.

The American Planning Association's Planning for Equity Policy Guide identifies policy recommendations for planners to advocate for policies that support equity in all aspects of planning at local, state, and federal levels. The Planning for Equity Policy Guide provides specific, actionable policy guidance through an equity lens on cross-cutting topics and areas of planning.