Course Outline

Welcome to Algebra I!

Contact information:

Mrs. Pamela Skaarup

(518)279-4600 x1214

Dear Parent/Guardian:

I am very excited to have your child in my class this year! This course outline will provide information about the Algebra I class to help both you and your child have a successful year.

All students will take the Common Core Algebra Regents exam in June 2023. Final grades for the course will be an average of the four quarter grades and the Regents Exam grade.

Please feel free to contact me at any time during the year with any questions or concerns you might have. I am looking forward to working with you and your child!


Pamela Skaarup

Algebra I Course Outline

Supplies for Class:

TI-84 Plus or TI-84 Graphing Calculator

Pencils & erasers (lots!)

One 2-pocket folder

Loose leaf paper

One 1-subject spiral notebook OR One Composition Book


Graph paper

3-Ring Binder (Optional - keep at home)

Google Classroom:

Google Classroom will be used in this class. Class materials can be accessed through Classroom.

Grading Policy:

Quarterly grades will be based on homework, participation, quizzes, cumulative review assignments, and tests. I use a points system for grading. Grades will be posted in Google Classroom and on Parent Portal.


Homework assignments will be worth 5 points each unless otherwise specified and will be assigned frequently. Students will receive 2 participation grades per quarter, 1 for each of the 5 week periods. Each participation grade is worth a total of 25 points. When a class is missed for any reason, you will still be held responsible for the work missed. You must have your homework when you return, and you are responsible for making arrangements to get the notes and completing the assignments you missed.


There will be several announced quizzes per unit. If you are absent for any reason, you have 2 days from when you return to make up any quizzes missed. Pop quizzes can be given at any time.

Cumulative Review Assignments:

Cumulative Reviews (CRs) will be assigned most weeks. Cumulative Reviews will usually be due the Wednesday after they are assigned, but due dates may be adjusted for holidays, snow days, etc. These assignments will not be accepted after the due date.


Tests will typically be given at the end of each unit, and may contain any material covered to date. If you are absent for any reason, you need to make up any tests missed within 2 days of your return.

Attendance Policy:

Work missed due to an absence must be made up within 2 school days. Students are responsible for getting any work missed while they were absent.

Students who will be absent from class for a band lesson must see me before going to their lesson to get any work to be covered during the period, and to turn in any homework due that day.

Extra Help:

Extra help is always available to any student who needs it. I will be available after school for extra help most days. Students who would like to stay should make arrangements at least one day in advance.