Riverton American Legion Post 19 meets every third Monday of the month at 7:00 pm at the Veteran's Hall, 417 East Main Street.  

Post will not meet in December

Eligibility  for American Legion Membership

If you are currently on active duty, serving the United States honorably, anywhere in the world, or have served honorably during any of the following eligible war eras, we invite you to become a member of The American Legion. National Guard and Reservists having been Federally activated (including basic training) during these same war eras also meet the eligibility requirements.  

•  Dec. 31, 1946 to a time decided later  - Legion Act  All Veterans and Active Duty are eligible to join the American Legion.   

• Dec. 7, 1941 to Dec. 31, 1946 (World War II)

• April 6, 1917 to Nov. 11, 1918 (World War I)

If you meet the eligibility please go to the links up above and join Riverton Post 19 or send an Email to rivertonwylegionpost19@gmail.com  with your contact information and we will contact you to get the proper paperwork filled so you can become a member.   

AL LegionAct news release.pdf