Attendance/PDC completion

How the attendance and completion of the PDC is recorded and verified:

  1. Upon registration, a pdf copy of the Course Structure document is made, with your name (and course structure version) in the filename, which is then shared to you.
  2. You must not edit the document.
  3. You should invite your respective teachers (give them Comment access) to enable them to indicate completion of sub-units by adding comments to your document.
  4. The Teacher / location add comments to indicate completed sub-unit(s).
  5. The Teacher / location doing final cross-verification has to check that your document has not been altered (against the master document of that version available on the website) and comment “completed” and the completion date at the end of your Course Structure document.
  6. The Teacher / location doing final cross-verification will email the certificate to you.

Requirements for your PDC certificate:

  • You have to complete all mandatory sub-units, including modules 8 and 9 that include 1 high level conceptual design and 1 detailed design for a real site.
  • You have to complete of 20 of 44 optional sub-units.