
Current PhD & Postdoc

Dr. Gautam Rituraj - Postdoc 

Yunhe Yu - PhD

Nikos Damianakis - PhD

Siddhesh Shinde - PhD 

Dario Slaifstein - PhD

Yawen Liang - PhD

Alvaro Menendez Agudin  - PhD

Carina Engstrom - PhD

Istvan Bara - PhD

Leila Shams Ashkezari - PhD

Koen Linders - PhD

Bagas Priambodo - PhD

Graduated PhD 

Dr. Ibrahim Diab, PhD

Dr. Wiljan Vermeer, PhD

Graduated MSc students

Click on link to access Thesis via TU Delft Educational Repository 

2019-2018 ↓ (click to expand) 

2017-2016 (click to expand) 

2015-2014 (click to expand)