
- The EP Military Service Honor Roll was updated and posted on March 12, 2024.

Please submit new submissions, corrections, and updates.

 in memory of (now dead) / in honor of (alive), last name, rank, first name, middle name or initial, service area, country/war, branch
Longer biographical information and a military photo (small <300kb size, not MB please) also can be submitted.

-Also collecting stories of personal memories of what EP was like, in the 1950s, before the EPVME and East Shore Expressway (ESE) were constructed. Where are the houses now that were moved to build the expressways? 

- updating the list of the 2125 EP High School Student names who served in WWII
The names were written in cursive and volunteers are sought to help decipher some of the name spellings.  Inquire and the latest typed lists will be emailed to you to edit.

 Six pages of names are missing. Thus, trying to fill in the last names ending with the letters G and O.  Please submit names. Or help research via looking through Crimson yearbooks.


         Color note cards of the EPVME bridge memorial plaques with envelopes
now available.  

Set of  20 cards : 16 plaques, 2 with flags on the Pierce Field Stadium gates, 

Andrews Brothers Exit plaque and dedication wreath

A single card or a set may be selected.  

Donation $15 per set of 20 cards, 75 cents per card.    epvme @ hotmail . com

Proceeds to be used to purchase permanent informative signs
about each veteran at his bridge memorial

January 2024 EP Reporter 

        EP Military Service Honor Roll updates desired and notecard fundraiser

Updated March 14, 2024