The Diamond Dance Company was created in 2004 by Stephanie Finch as a way to empower women to use their talents in music and dance for the enrichment of fellow women. Our mission is to celebrate womanhood and motherhood and spread an uplifting message of light and hope.

The Diamond Dance Company selected its name from the symbolism and imagery that shows how we are all like diamonds. Each one of us is a daughter of God, with divine gifts and potential. Just as diamonds are formed through extreme heat and pressure, we can be transformed through our Savior, Jesus Christ. If we allow the pressures of this life to mold us, we can be like diamonds – strong and brilliant. We can be magnified through Him if we let His light shine through us.

We are a collective of women who are dedicated to sharing our gifts of singing, dance and testimony to uplift and inspire others. We find great personal fulfillment in volunteering our time and energy to share our love of the Savior through song and dance. It’s also our way to give back to Him who gave all to us.

The members of Diamond Dance Company come from various backgrounds, ranging in age from mid-20's to 50 years old and live within Salt Lake and Utah counties. We are faithful LDS women, from stay-at-home mothers to workplace professionals, and we also strive to fulfill the many other various roles that women carry out. We rehearse weekly along with our young children who join us at practice.

Dancers have varied experience, but most have danced through college at the U of U, BYU, BYUI, USU or UVU; many as members of companies such as the Dancers' Company, CDT, Cougarettes, Danceworks, Folk or Ballroom touring companies. Many have taught various forms of dance at local schools/universities as well as private studios.

Our singers have had excellent training and have also toured locally. Live singers add greater depth and dynamics to our show, and we are fortunate to have amazing singers!