Mrs. Harris's class

April 24, 2025

Work on your R&J Projects. I suggest working on the printed promptbook today. I will be working on putting together the module with resources and assignments for you on Canvas today and will post when it is complete. 

If you have not met with your Future Schools group to choose a topic, that is also important to do this week. By Friday, complete the NearPod assignment on Bias and Credibility in sources. You will apply the tools for discovering bias or checking credibility to your TWO INDIVIDUAL SOURCES to create an annotated bibliography by Moday, May 1. See Canvas for examples. 

Finally, I am still trying to get access to your classes. For some reason, it is not allowing me to be added as teacher. I will adjust due dates for current assignments when I can get access to your class. 

April 19, 2023

**Charge your computers!! Restart them before leaving school today!! Bring your charger tomorrow!!**

Today: Take the survey  if you haven't already. If you do not take it, your group will be random!

I will post groups here when they are complete. Until then, work on your R&J projects. 

Period 3: 

Kuo, Justin

Nassiri, Hadi

Lerma, Yamil


Kamerbeek, Isabel

Jallad, Leena

Wu, Kristina

Tran, Chloe

Lantanea, Jillianne

White, Pierce

Mohite, Yahvi

Lenz, Andrew

Thunnipath, Arkara

Mays, Thorne

Banda, Luka

Moore-Zermeno, Saoirse

Portilla, Sebasthian

Samayoa, Raquel

Zhou, Andrew

Nguyen, Dillon


Antanaitis, Sofia

Dehini, Ariana

Taylor, Helen

Lo, Anna

Gupta, Vanni

5th period: Many of you did not fill out the survey, so you are in a random group. 

Jangama, Rohan

Rana, Shivaang

Vempati, Anjali

Nguyen, Tyler

sternfels, charlotte

Liong, Ethan

Gaalla, Ariel

Gonzalez, Matthew

Shen, Yuruo

Arana, Cesar

Kubiak, Petra

Morales, Samantha

Rubio, Adelynn

Acevedo, Isabella

Smith, Charlie

moctezuma, erick


Flynn, Caragan

Valerio, Mariangel

Kadiyala, Aryahi

Calzada, Aviendha

Foster, Amare

Perez, Martin

Sims, Ethan

Turner, Max

Bailon, Luis

7th period

Fordjour, Blessing

Hilliard, Madison

Elangovan, Ramya

Chapa, Clarissa Olivia

El-Amin, Lina

Jha, Krish


Lerma, Samuel

Datta, Aadri

Lopez, Salvador

Businger, Raphael

Sheffield, Aleksander

Pulido - Gordillo, Valentina

Lopez, Diego

Manzano, Gloria

Fujita, Eriko

Singh, Arha

Kim, Leah

Miller, Klaridy

Sakai, Mari


Heras, Isabella

Perez, Alicia

future school project

What is the future of school? What will schools look like 10 years from now? How SHOULD they look 10 years from now? 20?

The American public school system guarantees everyone a fair and equal education. But it is notoriously slow to change structurally, and at the same time prone to rapid changes in technology, curriculum requirements, and assessment. What innovations or solutions can you suggest using current trends and research to predict future needs?

What would you change about your school? About all schools? How will that improve education for ALL students?

What impact does the structure and curriculum of the public school system have on our society at large?

Your Future School project asks you to research a topic, identify issues or problems, and either create a solution or predict a future result of a trend. Your group does not have to use the topic you chose for the form, but you will be organized based on your interests. Today's task is just to pick a topic and make assignments for groups to research before your next meeting. Each person is responsible for a mini-Works Cited page with 2 sources by May 1. You must read, take notes, and be able to discuss your sources with your group. If you use a citation machine for the Works Cited, make sure to check the formatting and look for missing information (see Owl@Purdue for MLA format tips). If you have "n.p, n.d" on your source, it is either wrong or a questionable source-- you may want to find a better one. 

Works Cited are due on May 1. Group Works Cited will be due with the presentation.

April 18, 2023

Cotinue work on your R&J project. First, sign up for an act.  You are not responsible for filming the whole act, but you may choose any parts of it to use in your clip, including jumping around or moving lines for the purposes of your adaptation (Luhrmann does this constantly, moving things even from one Act to another or giving different characters lines). 

Today, I recommend planning out group roles, listing out what you need in terms of props and costumes, and planning broadly what you want to do for your trailer and clip. The interview should match up with your clip, but explain it. Watch some interviews to get a sense of how to do that. 

Separately, you should also take a  look at the following options and fill in the google form-- this is for your other cycle project and will help me make groups. 

Future school project:

Review the article options below. Which of these articles or issues interests you most? Complete the google form

to help me make groups for your cycle 6 project. 

Global Issues: "Google unveils never-before-seen text-to-video AI tool in this week's 60 Minutes." CBS News. YouTube. 14 April 2023. 

"Why the Future of Online Learning Looks Bright." Forbes. 15 July 2022.

State Issues: "Preaching to the Choir: Greg Abbott Tours Private Christian Schools (Exclusively) to Make the Case for Vouchers." Texas Monthly. 16 March 2023..

"LGBTQ groups criticize Texas bill’s broad restrictions on school lessons and activities about sexuality and gender identity." Texas Tribune. 23 March 2023.

Local Issues:  "As hundreds apply for HISD board of managers, opponents call process 'illegitimate'." Houston Chronicle. 7 April 2023.

"Cy-Fair ISD parents will have more input on books students can access in upcoming school year." Click2Houston. 9 August 2022

Campus Issues:  "AP Precalculus comes to CVHS: new curriculum, unexpected changes." Upstream News. 10 March 2023.

"Post Uvalde, HISD to invest in guns on campus." Upstream News. 23 September 2023.

NOTE: These articles represent possible topics, but not required. Choose based on the level of issue you are most interested in-- these are examples you can use, but you can also think of others. 

April 17, 2023

Hi! Please check this space for instructions and materials UNTIL you are added to Canvas (next week after STAAR probably).

For the first part of Cycle 6 you will be working on the Romeo and Juliet Netflix adaptation project while my students complete their lit analysis essay. We will also be working on a FUTURE SCHOOL research presentation project, which I will introduce Wednesday. Most of the work in Cycle 6 is based on these two assignments, so please be sure to complete each task! See the calendar below for a rough outline of when we will be working on each project. You will have to check Canvas (hopefully starting next week after STAAR) for actual assignments that are due, and I will collect MOST work through Canvas. Please check there or with Dr. Allen REGULARLY. 

Some other things to note: 

-- I post grades to Canvas and update periodically to PowerSchool. Individual grades in Canvas are more complete, but the "total" grade is calculated incorrectly (not sure how to change the setting, sorry).

-- You should find most things on the Modules page. I do not lock assignments, so you can always re-do something by going to Modules and finding the assignment again. 

-- assignments are due every other Tuesday. I grade them for MASTERY. This means you will have to play the list MORE THAN ONCE. You can find the "finish mastery" button after you complete the list one time and it will tell you the percentage. 

0-49% = 0

50-69% = 5/9

70-79%= 7/9

80-89% = 8/9

90-100% = 9/9

-- You will have the same grading categories, and generally I grade using 1/1, 9/9, or 100/100 points. Academic Progress = 1/1 (usually); Writing and Analysis = 9/9; Skills Culmination = 100/100. Here are the grades you will have (at least) for cycle 6: 

Academic Skills: (There may be a few more)

Timely Work: R&J Netflix Adaptation

Timely Work: Future Schools Presentation

Planning Spreadsheet: R&J Netflix Adaptation

Planning Spreadsheet: Future Schools Presentation

Writing & Analysis: (There may be 1-2 more)

Vocab Unit 4: Due Apr 25 

Vocab Unit 5: Due May 10 (one day late because of testing)

Vocab Unit 6: Due May 23

Future Schools Bibliography: Due Apr 28 (draft)

Skills Culmination: (Complete list)

R&J Netflix Adaptation: Slide deck with embedded videos + physical promptbook due May 9

Future Schools Presentation: Presentations starting May 21 (either video or to me-- will have to be worked out)

today's work:

My suggestion for today is to review the Romeo and Juliet Netflix Adaptation project guidelines and the slide template. Choose a group to work with and start brainstorming your concept. If you haven't watched the Baz Luhrmann Romeo and Juliet, I suggest watching that, as it gives a good model of how to adapt the play to a very modern setting while keeping much of the language intact. I will post notes when I can to help you think through some of the scenes here. Another resource you can use is, which has a "plain text" translation as well as useful "interviews" with the characters for key scenes that will help you understand the characters and their relationships. We watched the Prologue song; Act 1, scene 1; the Queen Mab interview with Mercutio and Romeo; the Ballroom scene; the Balcony scene; and Juliet's soliloquy in Act IV.

R&J Netflix Adaptation slide deck (make a copy)

R&J Netflix adaptation INSTRUCTIONS and RUBRIC

R&J Netflix adaptation planning spreadsheet (use to plan ideas and daily goals and to record filming location. GRADED) 

EXAMPLES form my class: 

Act 1, Scene 1: Western

Act 1, scene 5: High school/LGBTQ+

ACT 3: Cold War adaptation

Example of a prompt book that compares Luhrmann and Zeffirelli. Your promptbook will be YOUR GROUP CHOICES. See me for an example from a group from my class. You will get a PRINTED COPY of your act that looks like this (after I have groups sign up for specific scenes).

Here are some clips from Zeffirelli and the full film versions: 

Act I 

Compare/Contrast Act I, scene 1:

Zeferrelli (1969)

Luhrmann (1996)

Compare introduction to Romeo (Act 1, scene 1)

Both clips are included in the link. Note that Luhrmann combines pieces of scenes 1-3 here. 

Mercutio-- Queen Mab speech 


Intro to Juliet


Ballroom Scene

Zeffirelli (1969)

Luhrmann (1996)

Act II

Balcony Scene



Romeo speaks to Friar Laurence



Wedding and Climax Scene


Act IV



Act V


FULL FILMS (DO NOT COPY OR SHARE): These links will only be available until you are connected to Canvas. 

Globe Theater (2019)

Zeffirelli (1968)

Luhrmann (1996)

Please do not hesitate to come to my room or email me any questions you have. 

January 24, 2023

English I

Finish up looking at "Surface Pressure" by adding a line to the daily slides that uses rhyme or another sound element to contribute to the meaning in the song. Some things to note: 

Today, look at another poem that features some sound imagery and devices, "A Poet's Pen" by Mahogony L. Browne. Use the LIT technique to look at the poem: 

L = Literal ideas, events, etc (L1)

I = Inferences we can make, things understood but not directly spoken (L2)

T = Theme (L3)

On your poem, write "L" on the left hand side, "I" on the right hand side, and "T" on the bottom left. With a partner or group, talk about the poem ad label each side. Questions to ask: 

L: What is happening in each line or stanza? Paraphrase what the poem says. 

I: Label the following: imagery, high impact words, repeated sounds and repetition of words or phrases. Then ask

One example of a connection between the sounds and the images is the line "bicycle spokes/ and trading cards clicking hello to passersby." In this line, the sound image is about the sound of a card stuck between the spokes of a bicycle tire, hitting the chain each time the wheel turns and making a clicking sound. The words AND the repeated "cuh" sound in "cards clicking" both evoke the action clicking sound, emphasizing the image. Look for other examples of sounds emphasizing the image. 

T: What message does the poem communicate about poetry and its relationship to people? What silences a group of people and why? 

English II

Continue working on the current poetry workshop. If you finish, you can write an original poem that uses some of the tools you have been annotating ad discussing and label them in your poem. This would be considered extra credit. I will put an optional Canvas assignment for it later. 

Tomorrow, I will have the poetry project and some new materials for you. The major assignments for this cycle will be the project, a poetry test (Which I will ensure there is a study guide for), and a rhetorical analysis writing. Yes, we have a teacher, but we are still waiting on HISD to process her into the system. Thank you for your patience and hard work until then!

January 20, 2023

English I

English II

Today you can start on Poetry Workshop 3, which includes 4 handouts. Please proceed through the handouts in this order: 

For each one, start with reading and annotating and then do the group discussions. Save your documents to the google drive and label them "poetry workshop 3A-D" along with your name(s).

You will have at least 2 days for this workshop, possibly three. I will check in with you on Monday. 

January 19, 2023 English II

Please complete "Poetry Workshop 2" handouts. Remember, this will be looked at by a teacher, and you will get credit or completing the questions. Please discuss all questions as a group (remember-- a discussion is not just ANSWERS, but IDEAS) rather than splitting them up. 

My goal is that you all engage with the content each day. If you have questions, come ask (I can answer specific poetry questions, Mr. O can answer questions about the handouts). If you don't understand everything or it is difficult, don't worry-- just continue to engage with the poems and the ideas with your peers. You should have been invited to a Canvas course, which means I will be able to start posting things to you there soon, including grades. 

January 18, 2023 English I

Complete the assignment In Pre-AP Classroom: Learning CHeck 1 is a multiple choice assessment and Performance Task 1 asks you to read and annotate a story and write a paragraph response. These will be graded as practice and completion-- they are required pre-ap tasks that we will do periodically, and you may not get all of them correct. That's ok. Currently they are due on Friday, but I will check in with you Friday to see how far along you are. 

Pre-AP Classroom

Period 4 Join Code: P3D3N4 

Period 6 Join Code: 636WLQ 

Please come to see me at the beginning of class if you can't find the assignment. 

January 17, 2023

english i

HW: Make sure you are registered for Pre-AP Classroom because tomorrow's assignment begins with that. Also note-- you have a unit of vocabulary due on on January 24th!

English ii

Complete Poetry Workshop 2 and save the documents to the google drive in the same way. Begin with reviewing the materials, annotate any poems, and then discuss the poems and any questions with a group. Post both your individual and group work to the google drive. 

1.17.23 Figurative Language - Metaphor.docx
1.17.23 Symbols.docx
1.17.23 Figurative Language - Personification.docx

January 13, 2022

Good news! We have found someone to take over Ms. Lee's classes. The new teacher should be able to start in a week or so, but until then, I will continue to provide resources for English I and Mr. O will provide lessons for English 2. We will collect your work. Please continue to check here for lessons, in the mean time. 


P4 Poem-A-Day

P6 Poem-A-Day

English 2

You should still have enough to do with the two poems to discuss. Make sure you have submitted both your individual annotation of the "Approaching a Poem" handout and your group's notes on the other two poems and discussion. 

If your group has submitted this-- and you feel like your discussion notes represent a solid commitment of time to the text!-- then you may choose to work on things like or reading or studying for another class. Please do not distract your peers. 

January 12, 2023 English 2

Mr. O has provided some materials for today's lesson. With a group, review the PowerPoint lesson materials. Then, complete the "Approaching a Poem" activity, first on your own, and then discussing with your group. Finally, on Friday, review the poems "A Narrow Fellow in the Grass" and "Annabel Lee" and complete any discussion questions together and assign a notetaker to take notes. Document your discussion and activities so a teacher can review them. If you have any questions about anything, you can put them into the docs, but if they are pressing you can also ask Mr. O or Mrs. B. 

To annotate using google docs, go to file --> make a copy and make sure to "share with the same people." 

You can upload your notes and annotations to these folders, making sure to include the names of all members of the group. Name your files: 

1.12.23 Poetry Workshop 1. Annotations

1.12.23 Poetry Discussion 1. Group members

Period 3

Period 5

Period 7

1.11.23 Poetry.ppt
1.12.23 Approaching a Poem.docx
1.11.23 The story of Annabel Lee.docx
1.11.23 a narrow fellow in the grass.pdf

January 11, 2022 English 1 

For those who did not bring their permission slips, here is teh alternate assignment. You can complete it on paper and turn it in to me or you can put it in the google drive:

Period 4

Period 6

Alternative lesson for documentary.docx

January 9-10, 2023

Hello! Until we have a more permanent person to fill Ms. Lee's shoes, I will be available to answer questions and will be providing lessons and work for English I (and for today, English 2). 

For the next two days, we are working on a vision board for the new semester, easing in to our poetry unit. To start, browse these inspiration poems and choose one that you like. English 2, please use Emily Dickinson's poem "Tell All the Truth But Tell It Slant" and consider the following question: In what way is poetry "all the truth" but "slanted"? Then complete the One Pager activity, choosing a focus word for the year and setting a goal. Instead of a black out poem, please write your own original poem. 

English I

Foreword to "Woke":  "I grew up in a house" by Jason Reynolds

"Teeth Dance with Silver" by Mahogony L. Browne

"Instructions on Listening to the Trees" by Mahogony L. Browne

"Happy Ideas" by Mary Syzbist

"Redbird Love" By Joy Harjo

"Make Believe" by Jaswinder Bolina

The Delight Song of Tsoai-talee by N Scott Mommaday

The Day is Done by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

From the poem you chose, consider the following questions: 

Use the poem and your thoughts about it to reflect on your hopes for the coming semester. You will decide on a focus word--  To choose your focus word, think about what you want to accomplish and how you want to feel. A focus word is an abstract noun or adjective, or sometimes an active verb. Some examples include patience, perseverance, hope, build, create, energetic.... Choose something that speaks to you. 

Use the instructions for what to include on the vision board, and choose to complete a black out poem using the inspiration poem you chose or to write your own using the original as a model. You can work on this in class tomorrow as well.