Tryouts 24/25

Thank you for showing interest in the Dartmouth Middle School cheerleading program. We are a competitive cheer team that invites male and female athletes of all skill levels to join. While no experience is required, we are looking for candidates with a strong sense of commitment, a great work ethic and positive attitude! Through our sport, each student will build character, practice positive sportsmanship and morale. 

Becoming a part of the DMS cheer team comes with great responsibility. It cannot be stressed enough how much time and energy goes into being on this team. The cheer season is all year long. Practices will be held two times a week in the evening. Extra practices will be called nearing competitions and other cheer events. Cheerleaders are expected to be at ALL practices, fundraisers, and events! In order for our team to be successful, all team members must be able to depend on one another. 

It is important that parents/guardians also understand the responsibility and commitment that comes with having a student earn a position on the DMS cheer team. We ask for family involvement in meetings, fundraisers, and event organization. Being supportive throughout all aspects of your student’s cheerleading experience is crucial. Active involvement from family and friends is what really helps us have such a successful program!  

Please be aware that to meet team expectations, participants need to work schedules around cheer. Vacations, appointments, and other events (doctor/dentist/birthday dinners/etc.) should be planned so they do not conflict with cheer practices and events. FYI: The week-long break in February will conflict/overlap with Nationals (Anaheim, CA). Do not plan a trip during this time!