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Vidorg consulting company was started for developing further applications (theoretical and social-political-economic solutions) from the new paradigm of science. As such the new paradigm cannot be "proved" - only indirectly by showing better applications:

- better, more general theories giving answers and theoretical / practical solutions to those "unexplained empirical anomalous data" which have´nt been possible to explain within the current paradigm.

In H.C. the usage of Vidorg´s new perspectives concern (so far) the following:

- a new view of Human Being: why being ethical and reform the h.c. would give a further step forward for both yourself and your own mental- ethical evolution and social- cultural wellbeing

- Social- political implications: behind the various forms of violence, discriminations, dictatorships, religious wars and social- economic polarizations and unhealth are the current view of Human being only as a physically material organism. The new, scientifically explainable and argumented view of Human being gives another kind of long-term view for the multi-dimensional Evolution, giving even better arguments why being and behaving with a more empatic attitude and following the Golden Rule , explained so far only with verbal suggestions or rituals and ideal ideologies of political parties, counts as a better ground for the Global community- building. When publicly discussed, won support by publicly financed institutions, the following socialization from the eductation of children to the new researches in various main sciences, the long-term, needed Climate change work can be done better than with only current political changes or only technological applications.

- by using company´s new M.O. derivate instrument in H.C. Exchanges for diminishing costs and offering better services; by finding resources for new researches for various SME- companies to create new solutions for f.e. the Climate change work in applied M.O. Exchanges for Climate work, worldwide.

- by the new model of public sector offering the next step forward for the government(s) and- at the same time- renewing the democratic party(ies) in the world (tried to do this in Sweden in 80´s but became uncommented, and latest 2021 during the governmental crises, with a eventual collaborative parties platform of Progressive Democrats.

- by done proposal for social-economic interpretation of the new paradigm in the published e-book concerning the broadening of the former USA- president and his staff´s Peace Deal for the long-term social- political crises between Israel and Palestine, downloadable after payment with Paypal at

Books and E-books from Förlaget Lasse T Laine (aka Vidorg Publishing)