Open Source Code

If you use orthorhombic-pyopencl code in your research, we would appreciate the citation of the following article:

Accelerating numerical modeling of wave propagation through 2-D anisotropic materials using OpenCL

Elastic wave propagation in anisotropic TVI and Orthorhombic media (PyOpenCL code).

Miguel Molero & Ursula Iturrarán-Viveros, Ultrasonics 53, 815-822, 2013

Elastic wave propagation inside a fluid-filled

borehole (PyOpenCL code). GitHub link

If you use borehole-pyopencl code in your research, we would appreciate the citation off the following article:

Simulation of sonic waves along a borehole in a heterogeneous formation: Accelerarting 2.5-D finite differences using [Py]OpenCL

Ursula Iturrarán-Viveros & Miguel Molero. Computers & Geosciences 56, 161-169, 2013

Viscoelastic wave propagation using EFIT

(PyOpenCL code)

If you use efit2d-pyopencl code in your research, we would appreciate the citation off the following article:

Optimized OpenCL implementation of the Elastodynamic Finite Integration Technique for viscoelastic media

M. Molero-Armenta, Ursula Iturrarán-Viveros, S. Aparicio and M.G. Hernández

Computer Physics Communications 185(10), 2683-2696, 2014.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cpc.2014.05.016

Link to the CODE

In order to run the present code you need the following open-source software: Python (we use version 2.7.3),

NumPy, Matplotlib, Scipy, PyOpenCL (OpenCL Library), PIL, glumpy

To run the code you just have to type: python



Various codes available