Frequently Asked Questions

⚠️ SPLAFF is going out of business and we are no longer accepting orders.

We can still be contacted at

What are SPLAFF products made out of?

SPLAFF products are made from a combination of recycled race car tires, recycled bicycle inner tubes, and natural hemp fabrics. Our fabrics are dyed with low-impact dyes and the cements we use are water-based. All SPLAFF products are vegan.

SPLAFF fabrics are dyed using fiber-reactive, water-based dyes that do not contain sulfur or other toxic chemicals. Any bleaching of the fabrics that we use is done with peroxide (H2O2, just hydrogen and oxygen) and is far less harmful to the environment than chlorine bleach.

SPLAFF has primarily been using water-based adhesives for more than a decade. We never use urethane cements or any toxic chlorination primer treatments. In making this choice, our manufacturing team is provided with a healthy work environment in which no gloves, masks, or ventilators are required.

Where are SPLAFF products sold?

SPLAFF products are sold at over 100 stores throughout the USA, ranging from earth-friendly product stores to surf shops, outdoor stores, co-ops, boutiques, vegan product stores, and more. SPLAFF is also sold worldwide in the United Kingdom, France, Denmark, Japan, New Zealand, Australia, and Hong Kong.

Where are SPLAFF products manufactured?

All SPLAFF products are manufactured in North America.

What type of packaging does SPLAFF use?

SPLAFF hangers for displaying its sandals are made from pieces of recycled tire tread that were too small to use for sandal soles. SPLAFF sandals, belts, wallets, and wristbands are bundled together with rubber bands made from pieces of recycled bicycle inner tubes. All of our hang tags are made from 100% recycled papers and printed with eco-friendly inks.

Does SPLAFF offer wholesale prices?

SPLAFF does offer wholesale prices! Please contact us via phone (619) 221-9199 or email.

How do I return or exchange a purchased SPLAFF product?

To return or exchange a SPLAFF product purchased through the SPLAFF website, please contact us via phone (619) 221-9199 or email. If you purchased your product from another online retailer, please refer to their return and exchange policies.

Can I recycle my used bike inner tubes with SPLAFF?

SPLAFF loves giving new life to your old tubes. We can accept tubes of any size as long as they are free from fix-a-flat goo inside. However, we do try to keep SPLAFF's carbon footprint down to a minimum, so please check your local bike shop first to see if they recycle with someone in your area. You can contact us via phone (619) 221-9199 or email and we'll tell you how best to get us your tubes.