Salmon Beach Committee Fall General Meeting Sept. 1, 2013 – Budget Discussion and Approval

Salmon Beach Committee

Fall General Meeting – Budget Discussion and Approval

Sunday, September 1, 2013 at 10:00 am

Salmon Beach, BC

Draft Minutes

Present: Salmon Beach Committee: Gina Skippen, Terry Graff, Kel Roberts, Jill Maibach and Len Jerritt

Tony Bennett, Area Director ACRD

Kathleen Holland, Barkley Sound Management

The meeting was called to order at 10:00 am by Chairman Kel Roberts

The Agenda was posted at

Attendance: 59 lot owners were present.

Introduction: Kel Roberts

1. Kel introduced all committee members and Salmon Beach Manager Kathleen Holland.

2. Attendees were asked to stand and state their name when making a comment or asking a question at the meeting, and to limit their time allotment.


1. Chairman’s report – Kel Roberts

a. The SBC and ACRD are looking for support from MOF to take over the maintenance of our external access roads. A letter from the ACRD was sent to Ministry of Forests (MOF) regarding this possibility and their response will be posted on the website. In general they do not feel responsible to provide this service as we are zoned marine recreational, and that our roads are not logging roads. There was also a letter to the Ministry of Transport (MOT) looking for maintenance of the village interior roads. No reply has been received to date. Further action on road maintenance will certainly be pursued.

b. Please refer to the Salmon Beach Committee website ( or google Salmon Beach Committee) for updates on this and other developments/progress at Salmon Beach. Just a note that no other websites are sanctioned by SBC.

2. Area Director – Tony Bennett, ACRD

a. Tony thanked the Salmon Beach Committee (SBC) for their input

b. He reported that a meeting with Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) is set for later this month, so there will be discussion regarding our Salmon Beach community roads at that meeting.

c. He announced that Kel Roberts has joined the regional Area Planning Committee (APC) and feels he is a beneficial addition to the committee. An application from Wild Pacific Estates has been received to develop sixteen 5 acre parcels at Ittatsoo Bay,, and the ACRD has recommended road access be required, and that it not be zoned marine recreational. The application passed the first reading.

d. Tony reported on some items suggested by Andy Daniel, ACRD Manager of Environmental Services. There often is confusion regarding the taxes paid by Salmon Beach owners and he wanted to clarify that there are 6 services (sewer, security, garbage, recreation, transportation and water) included in our Budget which is what makes up our parcel tax and is a price/lot basis. The rest of the taxes we pay are collected on an appraised value basis and include schools, hospital, admin., the land fill, the airport, etc. So, the bulk of our taxes go to the 6 services and schools.

e. The septic field – The ACRD wants to keep accurate records of usage and flow at the sani-field, and has agreed to produce accurate sani-field records to the Toquaht Nation. The relationship with the Toquaht (leaseholder of our sani-field) will be increasingly important going forward, and Tony encouraged us all to move toward holding tanks on individual lots.

f. He reminded us that now that land claims have been settled, Salmon Beach is surrounded by First Nations, and that inclusive community events are a good idea and will help with any future development plans.

Chris McGregor suggested a connection between the recent permission given by Salmon Beach for logging trucks to cross our property and the lack of reciprocity by the Toquaht to access water on Toquaht land. Kathleen Holland said the two things are not related. Internal roads are MOT and external access roads on either side of Salmon Beach are native lands. Further discussion ensued that water is key to everyone, and that water belongs to everyone. Tony said that the individual first nation holds the leases and suggested that we should look into applying for water rights. He emphasized again the importance of regular interaction with the Toquaht. He offered that the ACRD can negotiate on our behalf. Kathleen agreed that we need to be better neighbors.

Jill Maibach feels that in the interest of responsible stewardship our focus should be to provide our own sewer treatment and pressurized water.

Someone asked if there is any formal arrangement for interaction with the Band. Tony replied there is none at this time but he can help arrange a meeting.

Kathy reported that many lot owners still haul their own septic, and some people are abusing and harming the field, and making it difficult to schedule dumping and to keep accurate records of flow. She suggested that the area needs to be secure and feels we need to move away from individuals being able to dump there.

Colleen Zdan said that many of the lot owners are not aware that the gate to the sani-field has been vandalized. Tony suggested that it will be cost prohibitive for the ACRD to enforce the bylaw, but suggests we may want to form a community watch with the RCMP.

Lastly, Tony commented that Andy Daniel is a boon to our community (being an ACRD employee and SB lot owner).

3. Beach Manager’s Year in Review – Kathleen Holland

a. Projects completed – two new paths to our beaches, and pressurized water at the sani-field. Thanks to Ryan Smith, Deer Bay, SBC and Andy Daniel.

b. 2013 has been a year of exceptional growth – owners are staying longer and inviting more guests. While this is wonderful we are experiencing growing pains. Please share the village and the roads. Please install holding tanks and be very careful with gray and black water disposal. Vancouver Island Health Authority (VIHA) has announced that if you have a holding tank out houses will no longer be permitted. Glenn Gibson, of VIHA, has been on location checking for infractions of this new rule. Kathy reminded us that we are responsible for our own personal and guest effluent. She thanked Todd Patton for his help with plumbing installation at the sani-field and maintenance building and Ron McKinlay who always offers his electrical expertise. Also Greg Palmer and Kevin Middlemiss. The lease for the sani-field is reviewed every 10 years and we don’t want to lose it.

4. Boat Ramp Committee – Kevin Middlemiss

a. Regarding the proposed widening of the boat ramp, he has made application to the 7 agencies involved with such a proposal. Some rocks would need to be removed, some relocated, and also we would be required to replace habitat. The window for implementing such boat ramp improvements is from Nov 15 – Feb 15.

b. The Weigh-in Station – No signs are allowed due to the area being on/near public roads. We must adopt good etiquette regarding parking of trucks, boat trailers, quads. Also we should assist boaters whenever possible or needed, and adds that many of us are certainly already providing assistance and looking out for our fellow boaters.

Darren Clark asked if the SBC has any responsibility where public drinking is involved. The answer – no. It would be a police matter.

Jose Lommen, doesn’t think public drinking is the issue, but suggests boaters are nervous enough at the boat ramp and don’t need an audience while they are trying to launch their boat.

Paul Schmood asked why Salmon Beach would pay for the upgrade when it is a public road. Tony responded that really no one else will be paying for such a thing since we are the primary users.

5. Proposed 2014 Budget

Kel Roberts reviewed each of the 6 services included in the 2014 budget.

It was asked whether there is a revenue side reflected in this budget, and Kathy reported that revenue is credited in, and that there is a good likelihood that there will be funds left over from 2013. Currently we have $195,000 left in the 2013 budget, so we are doing well. Kathy also reported that even though there are more people coming to the Beach, the cost of garbage removal has improved, so obviously people are doing a better job of taking their garbage away with them.

Dust Control – Though dust control was included in the 2013 budget there was a problem obtaining enough material so nothing has been done thus far. There is a product called Rhino Snot which may be applicable for our purposes.

Paving –There is potential for some paving at each end of the entry bridge, and the silt traps at the boat ramp. No speed bumps are allowed per MOT. Kathy pointed out that ACRD does a lot for us.

Colleen Zdan asked about the rest of the streets that require culverts, and Kathy responded that there are plans underway for those.

Kel noted that the ACRD portion of our budget has increased by $13,000 for 2014, and one of the reasons is that when lot owners contact them it requires staff time to research and respond and therefore costs associated with this are passed on to us.

The parcel tax for 2014 will be $971.19/lot, but this amount may change by year end, once the regional district has their budget discussions.

Jane ______? suggests we show actuals during this discussion and wants to vote later in the year when more numbers are available. Unfortunately this is not practical due to when most owners are out at Salmon Beach. Tony reminded us that this budget is a ‘recommendation’ to the ACRD from the owners at Salmon Beach, and that the budget projects for the year are determined by previous year’s cost (historic) and anything new that is required. The ACRD wants to show courtesy and inclusivity to Salmon Beach residents and hear our input regarding how our money is spent. That is the primary purpose of the budget meeting. The ACRD regional budget is determined in February/March each year, and the public is welcome to provide input at that time as well. He pointed out that if an emergency occurs that requires funding, the ACRD would act, notify SBC, and follow-up with a review of those expenses in February.

Kel Roberts moved that the proposed 2014 budget be approved as presented, seconded by Terry Graff. Motion passed by a show of hands.

New Business:

1. Letters received by the ACRD

a. Suggested entrance gate closure 24/7 – Report by Len Jerritt.

There has to be a reason to close the gate at all times, and the two most often stated reasons are fear of vandalism or theft, and fear of a flood of fishermen and kayakers who had previously used Toquart campground and who would cause further stress on our current parking area at the boat ramp. Len stated that in actuality most misbehavior is being committed by owners or guests of owners, and the two most recent occurrences have been reported to the RCMP. He noted that owners must advise their guests of the rules of Salmon Beach, especially the speed limit. Len advised that neither of the above concerns has materialized and that the MOT will not give permission to close the gate 24/7. Also there is always the need for contractors and the like to have access to Salmon Beach.

2. Capital Expenditures – future

a. Parking at the boat ramp – There are plans to fill the ditches on Short Street between 6th and 7th .

b. Kel spoke about a feasibility study for a multi-use and tsunami/emergency evacuation centre building and asked the owners in attendance if they support such an idea and for their input. He suggests a metal building approximately 40 X 60’. He also noted that there may be government assistance with the cost due to it being an emergency evacuation site.

Nicole Bourduas wishes the library to be included in the possible new structure. It was suggested that the cost of demolition of the old admin. building be included in the budget for the multi-use building.

Colleen Zdan and Wayne Skippen volunteered to join any future committee formed as a result of this feasibility study. Kel said he will continue with a feasibility study and report his findings at the Spring meeting.

Tony Bennett thanked the SBC and said that our relationship is constantly improving.

Question and answer period – All questions were addressed during the course of the meeting.

Meeting Adjourned at 11:45 am.

Minutes recorded by Karen Bennett