Patterns & Sequences

Online Activities for 3rd & 4th Classes

Matholia: A playlist of video lessons on Patterns in Numbers; videos 7-9 are suited to third and fourth classes. Also available is a video on Patterns with 2-D shape and Patterns with 3-D Solids

Khan Academy: A series of videos and practice questions exploring Patterns in Arithmetic (Grade 3) and Factors Multiples and Patterns (Grade 4) You can also register for a free Khan Academy account to record your progress and explore other topics/grades.

Top Marks - Shape Patterns: sequencing game where you need to complete the pattern of different coloured 2D shapes. It is a multiple choice game with three levels of difficulty.

Pattern Blocks: Make numerous patterns, designs, pictures etc with these interactive pattern blocks. You can also choose a puzzle to complete.

Mathigon Polypad: Use this excellent tool to create, copy and extend patterns. Select Tiles > Geometry and then drag out your own choice of tiles make patterns.

Caterpillar Ordering: Choose between ordering (chose 0-999 or 1 decimal place) or sequencing (choose counting in multiples or counting in steps). Has various levels including 1-100.

Maths Frame - Sequences: Find the correct number in a sequence. Lots of choice over level, count forwards or back, count in whole numbers, multiples of 10, multiples of 100, decimals and fractions.

Happy Numbers Third Grade: Third and fourth class pupils could work through the activities from Module 3, Topic E.

Splash Learn - Patterns: Practice how to Extend Number Patterns (rule given), Extend Number Patterns (rule not given) and Generate Numerical Patterns.

Patterns: a selection of practice games from You can do a number of free quizzes each day without having a subscription. Start with the second class games and work up through the activities (Please note that the class levels used here don't exactly match the class level content in the Irish maths curriculum).

Math Games - Patterns: Selection of practice games; choose your class level. Also available are practice games on Input/Output tables

Patterns & Sequences: information on both of these topics from Maths is Fun.