
Narcotics Anonymous

Piedmont Area, GA


For a copy of Area Policy click here


This is the Policy Manual for the Piedmont Area Service Committee or the PASC. Policy for the PASC is comparatively simple. The PASCV5 policy is taken directly from A Guide to Local Services in Narcotics Anonymous. Published by World Service Office, Inc. P.O. Box 9999 Van Nuys, CA 91-409-9999 USA.

Additionally, any policy changes that are voted in on the floor of the PASC become policy for the PASC.

This Policy Manual should not be considered complete without a copy of the most recent versions of A Guide to Local Services in N.A. and other Conference approved service manuals.

In accordance with the Fourth Tradition, all policy voted in on the PASC floor supersedes any reference. In the case of conflicting references, the latest date is current policy.

The following pages are adapted directly from A Guide to Local Services in Narcotics Anonymous with all of the current changes included in the body of the text.

Some motions wording has been revised for better readability and understanding





The Piedmont Area Service Committee (PASC) is a committee made up of the representatives (GSR’s) from groups within the Piedmont Area, which meets monthly for the express purpose of serving the specific needs of its member groups.

The most important service, which the PASC provides, is that of group support. Whenever a group has a specific situation or need, which it has not been able to handle on its own, it can come to the PASC for help. These situations are almost limitless in scope; however, we have learned that we can get much accomplished when we work together.

The PASC performs other functions that are helpful to the groups. It can help new groups get started or give aid to floundering groups. It may hold workshops or seminars to train trusted servants. It keeps stock of literature that the groups can purchase. The point is the PASC handles whatever functions are necessary or helpful to its groups.

In order to provide these services, the PASC needs active participation of its GSR’s. A group supports the PASC both financially and emotionally. It takes money to provide these services we have described. It is the groups’ responsibility to offer this support. Sometimes these funds may be derived through activities. These alternate sources of funds are helpful, but the bulk of the responsibility still falls on the members of the groups.


PASC centralize meetings in Macon Groups will host PASC meeting in alphabetical order by cities in the Piedmont Area on the first Sunday of each month at 12:00 noon. Subcommittees may meet at the same location at 10:00 A.M.

Administrative Meeting or GSR/GSRA Workshop is from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00p.m.

The PASC will meet the second Sunday of a month when the first Sunday falls on a federally observed holiday weekend.

All PASC meetings are non-smoking [9/931]

Parliamentary Procedures At A Glance is used as a general guideline in conducting PASC meetings.

The PASC meeting format is:

1. Opening Prayer

2. Reading the Twelve Traditions [2193]

3. Reading the Twelve Concepts [2/93]

4. Reading the Purpose of the Area [7/95]

5. Open Forum [1/93]*

6. Roll Call [5/89]

7. Seating of New Groups

8. Establish Quorum

9. Minutes of the last PASC meeting

10. Treasurer’s Report

11. RCM’s Report

12. Subcommittee Reports

13. Groups Reports

14. Old Business

15. New Business

16. Announcements

17. Closing Prayer

Open forum is to be an opportunity for an individual to address the PASC from the floor. Each person will be limited to five (5) minutes. After open forum no other than GSRs, GSRA’s, Administrative Committee, and Subcommittee Chairs should have a voice on the floor [1/93].

A Quorum will be one-half of the total number of groups on the role plus one [11/93].

All motions to the PASC must be submitted on the approved motion form [10/92]. All motions have intent stated and written, to be included in the minutes [1/92]. That all new motions to be considered by the PASC be turned in to the Facilitator before the start of New Business [1/97].


There are certain facilities that are necessary to the service provided by the PASC. These include a permanent mailing address (P.O. Box), a bank account, and a place to hold meetings. Additionally, a warehouse for literature and other PASC storage needs shall be rented.

Non-budgeted funds in excess of $200.OO should be referred back to the groups [11/96] Do not to use drugs or paraphernalia on Area flyers [12/88].

One (1) copy of the Conference Agenda Report will be purchased for each group and one (1) copy for each Joint Administrative Committee member [12/91].

Conference Agenda Reports are also paid out of the Area general fund [2/86].

If a member group of the PASC is not present, or does not submit a written report if they cannot attend three (3) meetings in a row, they will no longer be considered a member of the PASC [1/921].

PASC not allow any individual or group to assume responsibility for any PASC financial obligations except those covered by Subcommittee budgets or specific Area policy [6/96].

Prudent reserve for PASC is established in Policy at $1500.00 [3/96].



Voting on non-policy-changing motions requires a simple majority vote based on the count of “yeah” and “nay” votes only. Abstaining votes are NOT counted. In case of a tie, the Facilitator has the deciding vote [2/91].


Policy changing and/or establishing motions require a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of those present. Abstaining votes count neither for nor against the motion [2/92]. All policy changing and making motions go back to the groups for group conscience [12/92].

A voting participant is a GSR of a member group. In the absence of the GSR, a

GSRA may vote. If both are absent a vote of confidence signed by the

GSR/GSHA is necessary. This should be handed to the PASC Facilitator before or

at the time of roll call [3/93].


In order to coordinate its’ services, the PASC elects Trusted Servants yearly.

These Trusted Servants include a


Co Facilitator! Vice Chairperson,


Alternate Secretary,


Alternate Treasurer

Regional Committee Member (RCM)

Regional Committee Member Alternate (RCMA)

Subcommittee Chairpersons

Leadership and the ability to organize and give the committee direction and incentive must come from its trusted servants. Upon election, the trusted servants shall resign as GSR’s of their group’s then elect new representatives, thus ensuring all group equality of representation.

All nominations for PASC Trusted Servants, Administrative and Subcommittee Chairs must be taken back to the groups for a vote of confidence. A simple majority vote is required [10/91]. Only Area nominees need be present to be nominated [4/94].

1. Facilitator/Chairperson

a. Arranges an agenda for and presides over the monthly meeting.

b. Responsible for correspondence.

c. One of the co-signers of the PAS C’s bank account.

d. At committee meetings they can vote only in case of a tie.

e. Capable of conducting a business meeting with a firm, yet understanding hand.

f. Clean time requirement: a minimum of two (2) years continuous abstinence from all drugs.

2. Co Facilitator/Vice Chairperson

a. Coordinates all Subcommittee function.

b. In the absence of the Facilitator/Chair, the Co Facilitator! Vice Chair shall perform the duties of the Facilitator/Chair.

c. One of the co-signers of the PASC’s bank account.

d. Clean time requirement: a minimum of one (1) year continuous abstinence from all drugs.

3. Secretary

a. Keeps accurate minutes of each PASC business meeting, types and distribute copies of the minutes to each GSR no later than two (2) weeks following each ASC meeting [1/93]. These minutes should be verified by the Facilitator/Chair before copies are made.

b. Area minutes will not be hand delivered [2/89]. (Minutes are to be mailed.)

c. Audiotapes used by the Area Secretary of the PASC meeting will be archived instead of erasing and reusing said tapes [1/93].

d. Clean time requirement: a minimum of one (1) year continuous abstinence from all drugs.

e. Expense allotment is $100.00 [12/90].

4. Alternate Secretary [5/92]

a. Alternate Secretary will also be filled.

b. Clean time requirement: a minimum of six (6) months continuous abstinence from all drugs.

5. Treasurer

a. Shall make a report of the contributions and expenditures, to include a copy of the bank statement [4/94], at every regular PASC meeting, as well as an annual report at the end of each calendar year.

b. Co-signer of the PASC’s bank account.

c. In addition to the amount of a returned item, an additional amount of $5.00 will be returned to the PASC Treasurer [2/88].

d. May also be made responsible for the bulk purchases of literature for the groups.

e. Clean time requirement: a minimum of two (2) years continuous abstinence from all drugs.

f. The finances of the PASC are to be reviewed annually by three GSRs appointed by the Facilitator/Chair of the PASC [7/92]. The GSR’s are to vote on the Chair’s selection of GSRs to look over the books [8/192].

6. Alternate Treasurer [5/92]

a. Alternate Treasurer will also be filled.

b. Clean time requirement: a minimum of one (1) year continuous abstinence from all drugs.

7. Area Service Representative (ASR)

a. The Regional Committee Member (RCM)/ Area Service Representative (ASR) is to the ASC what the GSR is to the group. As the representative of the area, the RCM/ASR speaks for the members and groups within the Piedmont Area.

b. The primary responsibility of a RCM/ ASR is to work for the good of NA, providing two-way communication between the area and the rest of NA, particularly with neighboring ASCs.

c. They represent the group conscience of the ASC at a regional level and provide the area with the agenda for the RSC at least ten (10) days before the RSC meets.

d. An ASR attends all regional service committee meetings and takes part in any decisions~ which affect the region, speaking as the voice of the ASC’s group conscience.

e. An ASR may serve on one or more of its ASC and RSC subcommittees, but not as Chairperson.

f. Expense allotment is $100.00 [12/90].

g. The ASR will include in their report the service records of how regional positions have been performed [5/91].

h. Included on the Bank Signature card [6/96].

I. Attend meetings throughout the Piedmont Area. Meetings meaning both recovery and business

The office of RCM/ASR is immensely important, for a RCMI ASR is the next link in expressing the will of a loving God. A RCM / ASR must be able to work for the common good, placing principles before personalities at all times. Therefore, in addition to the regular qualifications for GSR’s, nominees to the post of RCMIASR will also have:

a. Service experience;

b. The willingness to give the time and resources necessary for the job;

c. A minimum of three (3) years continuous abstinence from all drugs.

NOTE: The office of RCM/ASR also parallels GSR in that it is a two (2) year commitment. The first year of service is spent as RCMIASR Alternate (RCMAIASRA) becoming familiar with the job, attending all ASC and RSC meeting, and filling in for the RCMI ASR if he or she is absent or for any reason unable to complete the term in office.

8. Regional Committee Member / Area Service Representative Alternate (ASRA)

a. The recommended qualifications for election as RCMA/ASRA are the same as RCM/ASR, with one exception: two (2) years continuous abstinence from all drugs.

b. RCM / ASRA will include in their report the service records of how regional positions have been performed [5/91].

c. Expense allotment is $50.00 [12/90]

9. Group Service Representative and Group Service Representative Alternate (GSR and GSRA)

The active participation of each group representative is essential for a successful ASC. Each GSR must keep his or her own group informed, and must represent that group’s conscience inall committee decisions. Minuets for the

ASC should be mailed to groups within (14) days after the committee adjourns.

Representatives should evaluate each vote in terms of the needs of those they serve; or take it back to the groups. In addition to this, a GSR participates in helping to

carry out the PASC’s other specific functions. The attracting of new members, the planning and implementation of activities, and the aid given to groups with special situations are services, which require much more than a monthly meeting.

GSRs and Alternates serve on one or more Subcommittees [8/80].

GSR’s and their Alternates may sit together at the PASC meeting [3/91].

Each GSR will be given a copy of “Parliamentary Procedure at a Glance”. Each

GSR and their respective group is responsible for cost or replacement if the copy is lost [10/95].

Election of PASC Trusted Servants

a. Committee trusted servants will be elected from the members of

Narcotics Anonymous who have prior service experiences such as GSR, Group Secretary, Group Treasurer, and/or Subcommittee member.

b. All ASC members and trusted servants may succeed themselves in office, but in keeping with the Ninth Tradition and the principle of rotating leadership, it is recommended that no trusted servant serve— more than two (2) consecutive terms.

c. All PASC trusted servant terms begin and end in June [11/93], except for the Anniversary Subcommittee

Administrative Servants, which begin and end in October. [9/93]

d. Term of Office to begin at the start of new business at June PASC.


e. Any unfinished terms will be filled on an interim basis.

f. All nominees of the PASC will be present at the time of election. [7/92]

g. All nominations for the PASC service positions will be submitted on

service resume forms.

h. When nominated for a position, the nominee will give previous term of Service Position. If not completed, the reason why will be given [12/88].

i. All nominations for PASC trusted servants will be taken back to the group for a vote of confidence, a simple majority vote [10/91].


Any ASC member or trusted servant may be removed during their term in office. The procedure

for removal of a person from a service position is as follows.

l. A two-thirds (2/3) vote is required to remove a person from a service position.

2. A motion to remove anyone from a service position does not have to be specific, it is a vote of


3. When facts are presented, the person in question may choose to answer, but is not a requirement. The facts are in written form.

4. There is no debate.

5. Questions are in order from the Group Service Representatives (GSR’S)

only. The GSR’s are the only voting members of the Piedmont Area

Service Committee.

6. The removal of trusted servants from service positions will also occur if that trusted servant misses any three (3) meetings without firm reasons. This is true for Executive positions and Subcommittee Chairs. [5/88].

New Groups

The PASC has adopted its own group starter kit named “The Complete New Group Starter Package”.

This package is to include the following: one (1) Basic Text, five (5) white Books; three (3) each IP’s; two (2) Group Booklets; one (1) A Guide To Local Services In N.A (1) PASC Policy Manual, one (1) Group Treasurer Workbook, one (I) set of group readings; five (5) white key tags; two (2) each 3, 6, and 9 month: one (I) each of all other key tags [4/92].

Any new group wishing to obtain an assortment of literature to get started, regardless of what the packet is called, shall request it on the floor of an ASC meeting [3/88]. In order to do this; the group will need to have elected trusted servants.


Subcommittees normally deal with a single service such as public information, hospitals and institutions, or entertainment, and may meet to do the work, as needed during the month between regular PASC meetings.

a. Subcommittee Chairs should be elected from members with service experience.

b. If the person elected is a GSR, that GSR must resign as GSR and the GSR Alternate will take over that GSR’s former role.

c. All Subcommittee Chairs sit on the Administrative Committee.

d. Each Subcommittee may adopt its own guidelines and set its own voting policy [6/91]. Any existing Guidelines from WSO are recommended.

e. A Roll Call of members attending all PASC Subcommittees will be

taken at each PASC.

f. All PASC Subcommittee Chairs attend at least every other meeting of the respective Georgia Regional Service committee meeting. Failure to do so constitutes grounds for the removal from the Chair position. [7/92].

g. The PASC Subcommittee Chairs will be given $0.11 per mile for travel expenses to attend RSC meetings.

H&I and PI Subcommittees: Phone line, H&I, and PI Subcommittees have a large responsibility because of it’s great effect on addicts, groups, areas, regions and NA as a whole. Many people, who are not members, will have their only exposure to and concept of NA through contact with these committee members. Because of this great effect and large responsibility, responsible chairs and committees actively participate in and remain aware of H&I and PI issues and activities at the Regional and World level. [9/93].


February 89

Procedure for the removal of a person from service position:

A 2/3 vote is required to remove a person from a service position.

A motion to remove anyone from a service position does not have to be specific as to any charge (facts), it is a vote of


When facts are presented (charges), the person in question may choose to answer the facts presented, but is not required to answer them. As with all motions, the charges, if a part of the motion, are in written form. There is no debate. Questions are in order from the GROUP SERVICE REPRESENTATIVES (GSR’s) only. The GSR’s are the only voting members of the Piedmont Area Service Committee, except in the event of a tie the chairperson retains the tie-breaking vote. However, in a 2/3 vote, this does not occur. [7]

May 87

Removal of trusted servants at the Area level to change from missing 2 consecutive meetings to if a trusted servant should miss any 3 meetings within their term without solid reasons. This would be true for the executive positions and subcommittee chairs. [7]


March 88

Any new group who wishes to obtain an assortment of literature to get the group

started, regardless of what the packet is called, shall request it on the floor of the

ASC meeting. [7]

January 88

Adopt a new group starter kit to be named “The Complete New Group Starter

Package” to include the following: One Basic Text, five white books, three

each IP’s, and one #18, sample of chips or key tags and five white, complete set of guidelines, and set of group readings.

September 93

Add the following statement: H&I and PI Subcommittees: Phone line&, H&I, and PI Subcommittees have a large responsibility because its great affect on addicts, groups, areas, regions, and NA as a whole. Many people, who are not members, will have their only exposure to and concept of NA through contact with these committee members. Because of this great affect and large responsibility, responsible chairs and committees actively participate in and remain aware of H&I and PI issues and activities at the regional and world level.

February 93

The PASC Subcommittee chairs are given $0.11 per mile for travel expense to attend RSC meetings. [9-3-1]


All PASC subcommittee chairs attend at least every other of the respective Georgia

Regional Service Committee meetings. Failure to do so constitutes grounds for

removal from the chairperson position. [9-1-l]

June 91

Each Subcommittee may adopt its own guidelines and set its own voting policy.


February 91

No one may hold a subcommittee chair position and GSR at the same time. [7]


That a Roll Call of members attending all PASC subcommittees be taken at each

PASC meeting. [12-0-0]

December 86

Anyone attending subcommittee meetings can vote. [7]


May 95

To dissolve Phone line Subcommittee. [9-1-01

November 92

All funding of group functions by PASC should be referred back to groups. [9-2-0]

September 92

The Phone line Subcommittee to be given a $25.00 operating expense budget monthly. [7]

Nominees coming from the PASC floor for Area, Regional, or World positions be present at the Area to be nominated. [7]

June 91

The PASC hold its monthly meeting at the PASC Anniversary on the Anniversary

Sunday. [7]

February 88

A standing policy of PASC meeting rotation. [7]

December 86

To still have quarterly fundraisers to be designated at the ASC by GSR’s for their purpose.

August 86

Seats be set up [at PA SC] just for GSR’s. [7]

February 86

Establish a prudent reserve for H&I of $350.00, $300.00 in literature plus $50.00 in cash. [7]

August 96

Vice Chair of H&I Subcommittee will assume responsibilities of H&I Coordinator.

November 94

That the Macon Coordinator be present at the H&I Subcommittee meeting held each month at the Area.

October 94

That the H&I Subcommittee provides all H&I panel leaders with H&I


January 93

That anyone who relapses cannot attend H&I meetings for 90 days. [8-2-1]

January 93

All panel leaders in the Macon Area attend the coordinators on the third Friday of each month. All other panel leaders must attend the PASC the first Sunday of each month. Two unexcused absences will be grounds for removal as a panel leader. Excused absences require sending a report form letting the coordinator know how the meeting is going. Also the coordinator should attendthe PASC meeting. [9-0-2]

January 93

That all voting members of the H&I subcommittee must attend two consecutive

PASC meetings before being allowed to vote. [11-0-0]

March 92

PASC H&I subcommittee provide chips/key tags to H&I meetings it sponsors in

accordance with an agreement with individual requirements set forth by

those institutions and/or hospitals. [11-2-0]

November 90

H&I Subcommittee monthly allotment be increased from $250.00 to~ $350.00 +

$50.00 is the preexisting expense allotment for H&I.)

October 86

H&I cans not be passed at meetings. [7]


May 89

Lower PI prudent reserve to $25.00. [7]


February 92

The guidelines of the PASC Activities subcommittee to be adopted as policy.



September 91

For the Area to approve the Policy Manual handed out at the GSR/GSRA

Workshop for the purpose of investigating publishing costs and making it

available to the Fellowship. [13-0-0]

May 91

That a GSR/GSRA Awareness Workshop be held/conducted by Policy Subcommittee every four (4) months, to start in July. [12-0-0]

May 89

Lower Policy prudence to $25.00. [7]


June 96

To adopt as part of it’s Guidelines to the PASC Anniversary Subcommittee, the NA

Convention Guidelines.

June 96

To raise and change policy that the PASC Anniversary Subcommittee Prudent

Reserve be $500.00 instead of $200.00

August 92

That a separate subcommittee be opened for the purpose to better plan our

Anniversary. [8-3-0]



Set the clean time for PASC Literature Subcommittee Chair a minimum of one (1)

year clean time requiem. [11-4-0]

November 95

That the filling of literature back orders take precedence over filling, of new orders whenever possible. [6-2-1]

March 93

PASC to buy literature directly from WSO as of March ‘93. [11-0-1].

August 92

PASC adopt the current literature inventory and reporting system as its monthly reporting standard in the PASC minutes. [8-0-3]

July 92

That the literature be brought to Area meetings so that group’s literature orders can be filled at the area meeting [9-3-0]

May 90

Now 7%, amend PASC lit shipping and handling charges to groups be changed to

coincide with WSO shipping and handling charges, now 6%.

October 97

Motions to be considered by the PASC must be submitted by a GSR, Area Subcommittee, or Administrative Trusted Servant.

April 2000

Reimbursements from PASC for expense allotments be accompanied with a receipt.

Any Literature sales made outside of the monthly PASC must be made by checks only.

Advance checks for Money must not be made out to Individuals,



The PASC Hospitals and Institutions (H&I) Subcommittee is responsible to carry

the Narcotics Anonymous message of recovery into hospitals and institutions in the Piedmont Area whose residents have restricted access to regular NA meetings. An H&I meeting/presentation may also be held where such a meeting better suit the needs of the addicts within the facility.

The H&I Subcommittee initiates, coordinates and conducts all H&I meeting/presentations in the area but may use other messages, such as distributing literature and meeting lists, to make recovery more available to the addicts in these facilities.

The monthly allotment is $350.00 Literature plus $50.00 expenses. [11/90]

The responsibilities of the subcommittee trusted servants are shown below, but the list is only a summary. Trusted servants will often do a lot more than this outline describes. The success of subcommittees depends upon the dedication and leadership of good trusted servants.

The H&I subcommittee will provide all H&I Panel Leaders with H&I Handbooks [10/94]. PASC H&I subcommittee will provide chip/key tags to H&I meetings it sponsors in accordance with and in agreement with individual requirements set forth by those institutions and/or hospitals. [92]

All voting members of H&I subcommittee must attend two consecutive PASC meetings before being able to vote [11/93].

Anyone who relapses cannot attend H&I meetings for 90 days [1/93].


1. Minimum clean time requirement is two years.

2. Keeps order in the meetings.

3. Keeps discussion on topic.

4. Prepares an agenda for each subcommittee meeting~

5. Ensures that the traditions are upheld in all matters.

6. Maintains a link of communication between the H&I subcommittee and the area service committee, including giving a monthly report to the PASC.

7 Attends each meeting of the regional H&1 subcommittee and brings back a report of its activities to the Area.

H&I subcommittee.

8. Works with panel coordinator(s) to draft all correspondence to facilities served by the subcommittee.

9. Maintains meeting referral information about the Fellowship so that panel leaders can refer those leaving an H&I setting for another area, to a meeting or help line number.

Vice Chair:

1. Minimum clean time requirement is one year.

2. Helps the chairperson keep proceeding orderly.

3. Acts as the chairperson in the chairperson’s absence.

4. If the office of chairperson is vacant, the vice-chair serves as the

chair until confirmed by the PASC or until a new Chair is elected.

5. Assume responsibilities of the H&I Coordinator [8/96].


1. Minimum one (1) year clean time required and one (1) year term.

2. Conducts meetings for Macon Area Panel Leaders on the third Friday of

each month.

3. Collects reports from Macon Area Panel Leaders and reports to the PASC [12/96]. Present at the H&1 Subcommittee meeting held each month at the PASC [11/94].

4. Maintains a link of communication between the Macon Area Panel Leaders and the H&1 Subcommittee.

5. Distributes literature and other information and materials received from the H&I Subcommittee to Macon Area Panel Leaders.


1. Minimum clean time requirement is one (1) —

2. Takes an accurate set of minutes at all monthly meetings and distributes

them to the ASC [12/96].

3. Keeps an updated volunteer list of members who would like to go to H&I


4. Maintains an ongoing file of all correspondence and minutes.

Panel Leader:

1. One (1) year clean time required and six (6) months term.

2. Panel Leaders should be selected by the H&I subcommittee at its regular

subcommittee meetings.

The term should be six (6) months. The panel leader can decide what type of meeting to have by using one of the meeting formats in the Hospitals and Institutions Handbook.

3. The Panel Leader selects members of the fellowship to be panel members usually from the panel member lists. The panel leader is responsible to ensure that the meeting starts and ends on time. Any problems should be reported and included in the regular report to the H& I subcommittee.

4. All panel leaders must in the Macon area attend the Coordinators meeting on the third Friday of each month. All other panel leaders must attend the PASC the first Sunday of every month. Two unexcused absences will be grounds for removal as a panel leader. Excused absences require sending a report form letting the Coordinator know how the meeting is going [11/93].

Panel Member:

1. Six (6) months clean time, and a willingness to share their experience, strength, and hope.

2. This is the essential element of H&I work, the member who goes to share

his or her experience, strength and hope at the H&I meeting. Without these

people, our H&I work would be completely impersonal at best.

3. A good understanding of the fellowship and policies relevant to the H&I meeting is essential.

4. A clean time requirement is important to ensure it is truly a message of recovery we are carrying and not just the disease. Some facilities will not have any clean time requirements, but we should place this standard on ourselves to ensure the consistency of the recovery message. Some facilities will have clean time requirement of more than six (6) months, and we should try to work with them.

5. Panel members must attend two consecutive Coordinator and/or H&I Subcommittee meetings before entering a facility. [12/96].

H&I Meeting Format:

A. Introduce yourself and welcome everyone to the meeting.

B. Have a moment of silence followed by the Serenity Prayer.

C. Briefly explain that this is a hospitals and institutions meeting/presentation and read the purpose of H&I. The purpose of an H&I meeting: To carry the message of recovery to addicts who do not have access to Regular Narcotics Anonymous meetings. H&I is simply to introduce those attending to some of the basics of the N.A. program.

D. At this time have residents volunteer to read from Conference-approved literature. Usually “Who is an Addict?” “What is the Narcotics Anonymous Program?”, “Why are We Here?” “How It Works”, “Just For Today, ~We Do Recover”, or other selections are used.

E. What N.A. offers: We carry a message of recovery from the disease of addiction through the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Narcotics Anonymous, offering an opportunity to each individual to improve the quality of his/her life, both inside the facility and after release from the facility. N.A. is not a benevolent society. We are not amateur social or welfare workers. We do not counsel or educate staff or residents. We do not provide jobs, housing, money, etc., or letters of reference to judicial systems. The only thing that we have to offer is a message of recovery from active addiction..

F. Invite all attending the meeting/presentation to give their first names.

G. Introduce topic of discussion: Step Study, Literature, or Speaker Meeting.

H. Make any announcements that are pertinent.

I. Close with Serenity Prayer.

H&I Points to Remember:

1. We represent N.A.

2. Our primary purpose is to carry a clear and undiluted message of recovery.

3. Please dress properly and try to keep excessive jewelry a minimum.

4. Panel Leaders and Panel Members should also abide by the facilities dress code.

5. Panel Leaders and Members should be aware of strong profanity while doing H&I meetings.

6. Panel Leaders have the authority to stop a panel member from sharing in

an H&I meeting if he/she feels like the message being shared is diluted or is

inappropriate for H&I.

7. Potential panel members with less than ninety (90) days continuous

abstinence from all drugs should listen when going into an H&I meeting. It is

up to the Panel Leader to be responsible if he/she feels that person is ready to

share a message of recovery.

8. Use the H&I format adopted by the Macon Committee for H&I.

9. Try to begin and end the meeting on time or as close as possible.

10. Panel Leaders have the right to refuse anyone from going into an H&I

meeting if he/she feels that person is not qualified.

11 .No one is to enter and H— meeting without first clearing it with the Panel Leader.

12. Nothing is to be taken into or out of the facility.

13.H&I cans cannot be passed at meetings [10/861.


The PASC uses the most recent edition of “A Guide to Public Information”, published by the WSO for its guidelines, except for internal operating guidelines of its trusted servants.

Public Information is informing the public about recovery from addiction through the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Narcotics Anonymous.

Purpose: The Public Information Committee is to inform the public that N.A. exists and offers recovery from the disease of addiction and information about how and where to find it. All activities directed to that end shall be carried out in accordance with the Twelve Traditions of Narcotics Anonymous, A Guide to Phone line Service, A Guide to Public Information and these guidelines

Public information work is accomplished through the service committees directly responsible to those they serve. These P.I. Subcommittees provide community awareness of what N.A. is as well as how, when, and where we are available.

The job gets done by establishing clear guidelines for the P.1 Subcommittee, setting goals, prioritizing tasks, adhering to our Twelve Traditions, and a lot of hard work!

PI draw is $25.00 [5/89].


A. To open and maintain lines of communications

1. Between N.A. and the public

2. Between the areas and Regional Public Information Committee

3. Between N.A. groups within Piedmont Area.

4. To respond to all request for information in a timely and effective way

5. To be sure that those request are handled at the appropriate level of service

6. To establish, maintain and coordinate the Piedmont Area Phone line

7. Maintain consistent contact with support services hired to provide Phone line services .ie

the phone company, phone book etc.

B. To update, print and supply the Piedmont Area Meeting Schedules.

C. To report current activities of the the PI Committee to PASC and GRC NA PI Committee


A. Regular meetings shall be held at 10:00 am of the day that the area decides to meet each . month

Trusted Servants and Their Duties

Chairperson: the chair person is elected by the ASC in accordance with their guidelines for a

one year terms.

Chairs Duties

1. To prepare agenda for and preside over committee meetings

2. Responsible for seeing to the assignment tasks and accomplishment of

Those tasks, as well as, prioritization of those tasks.

3. A working knowledge of the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions and a

Minimum of two (2) years continuous abstinence from all drugs.

4. To be the coordinator of the functions and responsibilities of the PI committee.

5. To initiate and maintain contact with other PI committees in the region

6. To maintain the committees files and records

7. To attend the meetings of the GRCNA PI committee.

8. To have PI presentation workshops throughout the area for any interested N.A. members

or entities.

9. To present a written and oral report at the PASC meeting regarding PI efforts


1. A minimum of two years clean time

2. Previous service at the group and area level

3. Ability to delegate, organize and give the committee direction and incentive

4. Willingness to give the time and resources necessary to do the job.

5. A working knowledge of the 12 steps and 12 traditions.

Vice- Chairperson: the vice chairperson is elected by majority vote within the PI committee for

A one year term.

Duties: the vice chairperson duties include but not limited to the following.

1. To work closely with and assist in all other duties of the chair person. Although the

position of chair is elected by the PASC, the vice chair is learning to assume the duties of the chairperson.

2. Carry out responsibilities delegated by the chair and/or the committee.

3. The vice- chair will take minutes of the committee meeting in the absence of the



1. A minimum of one year clean time.

2. Ability to assume responsibilities in the chair persons absence

3. Willingness to give time and resources necessary to do the job.

4. A working knowledge of the 12 steps and 12 traditions, contingency plan and area policy.

Secretary: the secretary is elected by a majority vote in the PI committee for a one year term


1. Record the minutes of each meeting and keep roll call for voting purposes.

2. Handles all correspondences as directed by the PI committee.

3. Maintain records of communication , including list of all activities and contacts to be passed out on to subsequent committee members.

4. Keep a record of all literature distribution to libraries, schools, etc.

5. Organize and maintain an updated list of pertinent facilities in the area for possible mailing.


1. A minimum of six month clean time.

2. Willingness to give the time and resources necessary to do the job.

Motions and Voting Procedures

A. Motions

1. May be made and seconded only by members with voting status

B. Voting

1. Voting members of the committees are all volunteers present who have participated

in one of the last two consecutive meetings with continuous clean time.

2. In the event of a tie, the chair person may exercise their right to break the tie

3. A quorum is the simple majority of the voting members present. Once a quorum has

been established , it stands through out yhe meeting.


The Activities Subcommittee coordinates alternative sources of income

through activities such as fundraisers. The committee keeps the Piedmont

Area informed of activities in Narcotics Anonymous throughout the Georgia

Regional Area.


1. Elected by the Piedmont Area Service Committee.

2. Attends all PASC meetings and will present a report to the PASC

regarding the Activities Subcommittee.

3. Willingness and time necessary to fulfill these responsibilities.

4. Working relationship with “How It Works” and “Twelve Traditions” of

Narcotics Anonymous.

5. Clean time requirement: a minimum of one (1) year continuous abstinence

from all drugs.

Vice Chairperson:

1. Elected by the PASC Activities Subcommittee.

2. Assists the chairperson in carrying out his/her responsibilities.

3. Performs all the duties of chairperson when he/she is absent.

4. Clean time requirement: a minimum of six (6) months abstinence from all



1. Elected by the Activities Subcommittee.

2. Records the minutes of the Activities Subcommittee meetings and submits

the minutes to the Chair for approval.

3. Keeps a record of attendance and assists in carrying out the

responsibilities of chair when both the Chair and Vice Chair are absent.

4. Clean time requirement: a minimum of six (6) months continuous

abstinence from all drugs.

Voting Members:

Anyone willing may attend and participate in the PASC Activities

Subcommittee meetings. A subcommittee member must have attended two (2) previous Activities Subcommittee meetings in order to be eligible to vote and/or second motions. Voting privileges begin in the third meeting attended.

Attendance is the essence of voting. This allows members to be well informed about the issues voted on in the subcommittee. If an individual attends two (2) meetings of the PASC Activities Subcommittee and obtains voting privileges and then is absent from two (2) consecutive meetings, the member must then reestablish voting privileges by attending two (2) consecutive Activities Subcommittee meetings.

Removal of trusted servants:

Trusted Servants of the PASC activities subcommittee who miss three (3) consecutive meeting without a proxy will be automatically removed from their position.

Note: A proxy is an individual who attends the PASC subcommittee meeting in place of the regular attendee. This proxy is standing in for a trusted servant must have a written report by the trusted servant for the committee. The proxy will have no voting privileges.

Policy: To hold quarterly fundraisers, including one annual fundraiser for



The PASC Policy Subcommittee consists of the following members:


1. Nominated to and elected by the PASC.

2. Presides over Policy Subcommittee meetings and directs business of the

Policy Subcommittee.

3. Sits on all PASC Administrative Committee meetings and PASC


4. Clean time requirement: a minimum of one (1) year continuous abstinence

from all drugs.

Vice Chair:

1. Elected by the PASC Policy Subcommittee.

2. Assists the Chair in carrying out hisiber responsibilities.

3. Clean time requirement: a minimum a six (6) months continuous

abstinence from all drugs.


1. Elected from the Policy Subcommittee.

2. Records the minutes of the Policy Subcommittee meetings and submits

the minutes to the Chair for approval.

3. Keeps role of attendance and assist in carrying out the Chair’s

responsibilities and performs all the duties of the Chair in the absence of both

the Chair and the Vice Chair.

4. Clean time requirement: a minimum of six (6) months continuous

abstinence from all drugs.

Voting Members:

Anyone willing may attend and participate in the PASC Policy Subcommittee meetings. A subcommittee member must have attended the two (2) previous Policy Subcommittee meetings in order to be eligible to vote and second motions at the third meeting. Attendance is the essence of voting requirements for the Policy Subcommittee; this allows members to be well informed about the issues voted on in the Subcommittee.


The Policy Subcommittee will review the previous PASC minutes for policy changes and submit them to be added to a running list of new policy and

policy changes. The Chair will present that list to be published in the PASC minutes each time that list changes. The Policy Subcommittee will then attend to business given to it by the GSR’s of the PASC. Policy Subcommittee Prudent reserve is $25.00 [5/89]

Annually, the Policy Subcommittee will publish an updated Policy Manual inclusive of all the changes the GSR’s of the

PASC have made.

A GSR/GSRA workshop will be help/conducted by the Policy Subcommittee every four months [5/91].


Chairperson: Five years clean time, demonstrated stability in local community, and administrative abilities.

1. Organizes subcommittees and delegates major tasks to specific

subcommittees. Stays informed of the activities of each subcommittee, and

provide help when needed.

2. Helps resolve personality conflicts.

3. Keeps activities within the principles of the Twelve Traditions and in

accord with the purpose of the convention.

4. Monitors the fund flow and overall convention costs, and helps organize

the subcommittee budgets. Prepares a budget for the Executive Committee


5. Prevents important questions from being decided prematurely, in order to

foster understanding by the entire committee prior to action.

6. Allows the subcommittees to do their jobs while providing guidance and

support. Only major issues need be brought to the Convention Committee

meeting & Subcommittees should be given trust and encouragement to use

their own judgment.

7. Prepares the agenda for Convention Committee meetings and Executive

Committee meetings.

8. Votes only to break a tie.

9. Chairs the Convention Committee meeting as well as the convention.

Vice-chairperson: Personable and familiar with all committee members, in

order to serve as a liaison between the subcommittees and hosing community.

1. Acts as chairperson if the chairperson is unavailable.

2. Coordinates subcommittees and attends subcommittee meetings, in order

to ensure that they get the necessary support to do a good job.

3. Works closely with the chairperson to help delegate responsibilities to

subcommittee chairpersons.

4. Makes a report to the hosting service committee on the progress of

convention planning.

Secretary: Service experience and good typing skills, as well as service experience to ensure that the accurate minutes are distributed to the committee members.

1. Keeps the minutes of all committee meetings and subcommittee reports.

2. Mail minutes to committee members after the approval by the Executive Committee Chairperson. Minutes are mailed out within ten (10) days after the Convention Committee meeting. An agenda for the next meeting can be attaches to the minutes if it will help the committee function.

3. Maintains a list of names, addresses, and phone numbers of committee members for committee use.

4. Keeps extra sets of minutes, updated after each committee meeting, for members who request a complete set.

5. Communicates to the local N.A. membership regarding the progress and planning of the convention. Assists all committees in mailing and correspondence.

Treasurer: Five years clean time, demonstrated stability in the local community, accounting skills, service experience with conventions or other large-scale Fellowship activities, and accessibility to other committee members, especially the Registration Subcommittee.

1. Open a bank account for the Convention Committee. Usually the signatures required for the account are any two of four signatories which are the Convention Committee Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary, and Treasurer. The cards and account information are filled out at the committee meeting.

2. Works with the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson to prepare a budget for the convention which is used for planning fund-raising activities. The budget is based on the subcommittees’ recommendations as to the monies they will need to cany out their tasks. The budget can be a rough estimate at the beginning of the planning, and revised as the convention draws near. When all of the financial needs of the subcommittees are listed and totaled, the income should be outlined: one source of income comes from fund-raisers, and the second from registrations.

3. Writes all checks and is responsible for collecting receipts from

subcommittees for money paid out.

4. Responsible for all monies., including revenues from registration and banquet tickets; pays all the bilk; and advises the chairperson on cash supply, income flow and rate of expenditures.

5. Reviews subcommittee reports for departures from the financial plan not mentioned in the original budget so that an accurate budget can be maintained. This is included in the Treasurer’s report.

6. Each check should require two signatures. Additionally, a complete treasurer’s report within three (3) months of the convention should be submitted to the sponsoring service committee along with fund distribution. Many convention committees also have the report audited as a further safeguard of convention funds.

7. A periodic review of all financial records should be made by the corresponding service arm. The records should be reviewed at the time of the actual funds distribution in accordance with the Treasurer’s financial statement requirements.

Annual operating budget:

Annual operating budget for the PASC Anniversary is $500.00. At the end of the finalized bills, all the money is to be turned

over to the Area except the balance of $500.00, which is to be left in the Anniversary checking account


Activity Chairperson is responsible for securing the facility for all fundraising events and also responsible for purchasing food ,etc. and for making the fliers for the events. The Activity chair person will bring all ideas to the committee to be voted on for finale decision ; and the Activity Chair person is responsible for activities during the PASC Anniversary which includes entertainment.

Merchandise Chairperson is responsible for PASC Anniversary merchandise which includes ordering (with the committee’s approval of merchandise), pick up and donated merchandise. The chairperson will be responsible for merchandise left over after the anniversary. All merchandise will be sold at the set price by the committee. All merchandise left over after the chairperson’s position ends will be turned over to next year’s committee. In the event of an auction, the merchandise chairperson is responsible for securing the merchandise for auction.

Registration Chairperson is responsible for all pre and registration fliers. The chairperson is responsible for registration items that are purchased to be sold prior to anniversary. The registration chairperson is responsible for bringing ideas to committee for registrations packets and preparing packages which must be voted on by the committee. The registration chairperson is responsible for paid registration packages that are left over after anniversary. Packages will mailed to registrants or picked up at the area meeting.

Program Chairperson is responsible for all speakers and workshops for fundraising events. The speakers must have five (5) years clean time, and three (3) years clean for workshops. All workshop speakers, main speakers, and topics must be voted on by the committee. In the event there is a no show of a speaker or workshop speaker, the Program Chair is responsible for a replacement speaker. This action does not require a vote by the committee. In the event of an auction at the anniversary, the Program Chair will be responsible for collecting the money from items sold.

Hospitality Chairperson is responsible for coffee pot (s), coffee products used for fundraiser events, and also responsible for all food items used for hospitality room that are purchased or donated for anniversary. This includes paper products. Responsible for hospitality room at anniversary. Hospitality will work with activities during PASC Anniversary.

All subcommittee chairs are responsible for submitting a written report at all meetings.

If an anniversary subcommittee chair is not present or does not submit a written report and if a member cannot attend three meetings in a row, they will no longer be considered the chairperson of that subcommittee.


Clean time requirement for PASC Literature Subcommittee Chair: a minimum of one (1) year. [6/96]

To keep literature at its prudent reserve of no more than $5000.00

PASC adopt the current literature inventory and reporting system as its monthly reporting standard in the PASC minutes. [8/92]

Provide chips/key tags to H&I. [3/92]

PASC literature shipping and handling charges to the groups be changed to

coincide with the WSO shipping and handling charges, now 6%. [5/90] amended to


PASC to buy literature directly from WSO as of March 93. [3/93]

The filling of literature back orders will take precedence over tilling of new orders whenever possible. [11/95]

Literature be brought to Area meetings so that group’s lit orders can be filled at the Area meeting [7/92].

Any Literature sales made outside of the monthly PASC must be made by checks only.


The following is a running list of all motions passed on the PASC floor by the GSR’s, which either establishes new policy or supersedes old policy or The Guide to Local Services in Narcotics Anonymous. The Motions in Force List should be investigated for policy changes. The Policy Manual may be updated annually.

February 86

Agendas are to be paid out of the Area’s General Fund, 1 2 copies. [7]

August 86


GSRs and Alternates serve on one or more subcommittees. [7]

To change the policy on nominees to read only area nominees need be present to be nominated.

February 88


In addition to the amount of a returned item, and additional amount of $5.00 will be returned to the PASC treasurer.

December 88

When nominated, give previous term of position. If not completed, state why. [7]

December 88

Not to use drug or paraphernalia on Area flyers. [7]

December 88

Rent a warehouse for literature and other Area need of storage at $33.00 per month. [7]

February 89


The minutes are not hand delivered.

December 90


Increase secretary expense allotment from $50.00 to $100.00. [7]

December 90


Increase ASH expense allotment from $50.00 to $100.00. [7]

December 90


Set aside an expense allotment of $50.00 per month for ASRA. [7]

February 91

Voting on non-policy motions requires a simple majority vote based on the count of ~yeah and ~nay votes only.

Abstaining votes are NOT counted. The chair votes in case of a tie. [7]

March 91


GSRs and their alternates be allowed to sit together at the PASC meetings. [7-1]

May 91


To have the ASR and ASRA include in their report the service records of how regional positions have been performed. [7-1]


That a GSR/GSRA Awareness workshop be held/conducted by Policy

Subcommittee every four months, to begin in July. [12-0-0]

October 91

That all nominations for PASC trusted servants be taken back to the groups for a vote of confidence, a simple majority vote. [7]

December 91

That one (1) copy of the Conference Agenda be purchased for each group and one (1) copy for each Joint Administrative Committee member. [11-1-0]

January 92

That all motions have intent stated and written to be included in the minutes. [10-


January 92

If a member group of the PASC is not present, or does not submit a written report if they cannot attend three (3) meetings in a row, they will no longer be considered a member of the PASC. [8-2-1]

February 92

Voting on policy changing motions requires a two-thirds (2/3) majority of voting

participants. Abstaining votes count neither for nor against the motion. [9-4-0].

May 92

Alt. Treasurer and Alt. Secretary

To create the position of alternate secretary and alternate treasurer at the Area level. [5-1- 4]

July 92

The PASC will meet the second Sunday of a month when the first Sunday falls on a federally observed holiday weekend. [12-0-0]

August 92

Do not pass the basket at PASC. [7-3-0]

October 92

All motions must be submitted on the approved motion form. [10-3-0]

December 92

To send back all policy-making motions to groups for group conscience. [8-4-0]


That the PASC establish an open forum at the start of the business meeting of the

PASC. Open forum is to be an opportunity for any individual to address the PASC

from the floor. Each person will be limited to 5 minutes. Open forum to be scheduled between reading the 12 Traditions arid roll call. After open forum no one other than GSRs & GSRAs, Administrative, and Subcommittee chairpersons shall have a voice on the floor. [10-1-0]

January 93


That the PASC minutes be sent out within fourteen (14) days following the close of Area meeting. [11-0-0]

January 93


To archive audiotapes used by the Area Secretary of the PASC meetings vs. erasing and reusing said tapes. [8-2-0]

February 93

That the Twelve Concepts and the Twelve Traditions be read at the beginning of the PASC meeting. [9-3-1]

March 93

The PASC voting as such: Eligible to vote: A voting participant is a GSR of a voting

member group or if the GSR is absent the GSRA may vote. If both are absent a written group conscience- vote of confidence and signed by the group GSR or a trusted servant and handed to PASC chair before or at the time of roll call. [1-0-2]

September 93

To make all PASC meetings non-smoking.

September 93

To change the term of the Anniversary Subcommittee Administrative Servants from January to January to October to October, with current servants changing office in January as scheduled.

October 93

To change PASC business meeting time from 1:00 p.m. to 12:00 noon on days

that there is not a (3SR/GSRA workshop or administrative meeting.

November 93

That all PASC trusted servants terms run from June to June with the exception of the Anniversary Subcommittee.

November 93

To establish a Quorum, which will be one half plus one of the groups on the roll.

April 94


That a copy of the bank statement be included with the treasurer’s report of both PASC and PASC Anniversary Subcommittee.


For the PASC to read the purpose of the Area at the beginning of each meeting.


October 95


To give each GSR a copy of “Parliamentary Procedure at a Glance” and each GSRA and

the respective group be responsible for the cost or replacement if the copy is lost. [10-11]

January 96

Centralize our meetings in Macon. [13-0-0]

April 96

That the Administrative Committee have the Administrative Meeting or

GSR/GSRA Workshop from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. [10/2/1]

March 96

That the PASC Prudent Reserve be established in Policy at $1500.00. [9-0-2]

June 96

That the PASC not allow any individual or group to assume responsibility for any PASC financial obligations, except those covered by subcommittee budgets or specific Area Policy. [11-0-0]

November 96

That non-budgeted finds in excess of $200.00 goes back to groups for approval.



That all new motions to be considered by the PASC be turned in to the Chair before the start of New Business. [9/1/0]

June 98 ASR

The PASC include the ASR on the Bank Signature Card. [11-0-0]

August 98


The ASR & ASRA are to go to meetings throughout the Piedmont Area. Meetings meaning both recovery and business. [10-2-1]

August 04

To change policy to read that the PASC will not hold meetings the same day as the Region. [11-1-0]

August 04

That the Anniversary Committee purchase rooms only for the Friday and Saturday night speakers and the Sunday morning speaker. [9-3-1]

August 04

To increase the Area Secretary’s draw from $100.00 to $150.00 per month. [13-0-0]

August 04

To change the name from Area Anniversary to Area Convention. [8-4-0]

August 04

To change the name back to Area Anniversary from Area Convention. [10-2-1]

August 04

Fill Literature orders after the area business is over.

September 04

To add Literature to annual audit

October 04

From 11:00am to 12:00pm at the February, March, May, June, August, September, October, November, and December at the PASC meeting; the Admin committee meets.

The Admin committee consists of Facilitator, Co-Facilitator, Secretary, Alt. Secretary, Treasurer, Alt. Treasurer. RCM, RCMA, Anniversary Chair, Anniversary Treasurer, Activity Chair, H&I Chair, PI Chair, Policy Chair, and the Literature/Merchandising Chair. [11-1-1]

February 04

The Basketball tournament to be sponsored by the Area.

February 05

To increase secretary’s draw from $150.00 to $170.00 to cover copying and mailing

expenses. [11-2-0]

March 05

To charge a group or administrative committee member $5.00 to replace a policy manual.

April 05

To order chips, key tags and Ip’s in tens. [7-5-0]

April 05

To amend policy made August/ 04 to allow group literature person, H&I Chair or

Individuals except GSR’S and GSRA’S to pick up literature at or after 12P.M..


August 05

To amend policy to allow purchases of literature from other regions at the discretion of the

Literature Subcommittee as long as the cost does not exceed the world.

November 05

Before a group is dropped from the roll call and meeting schedule, either the RCM or Area

Facilitator go to that group’s meeting or business meeting to address the group’s member

and trusted servants.

April 06

To include all meetings within the territory of PASC on the meeting schedule (i.e.

Cochran, Stone Cold). The listing of active NA meetings is NOT a privilege to be

Allowed by the PASC, but the responsibility of the PASC in the spirit of carrying the

Message. Reference pg. 61 of A Guide to Local Service.

May 06

That when an Area position is not filled for 3 months a GSR a may be elected but will have

To give up his/her voting privilege at the Area. The GSRA or another member of that group

May vote in his/her place.


Activity Policy 20

Activity Sub- committee Policy 18

Administrative Meeting 2

Advance Check 14

Alternate Secretary 5

Alternate Treasurer 5

Anniversary Sub-committee Guidelines 23, 24, 25

Anniversary Sub-committee (terms) 5, 6

Area Service Representatives (RCM) 5, 6, 7

Area Service Representative Alternate (RCMA) 5, 6, 7, 8

Awareness Workshop (GSR/ GSRA) 2

Area Flyers 4

Audio Tapes 6

Bank Cards 7

Bank Statement 6

Basketball Tournament 31

Basket 26

Budget (Anniversary) 24

Business Meeting 29

Centralized Meeting (PASC) 2

Checks (Returned) 6

Chair Person/ Facilitator 5

Chair Person / Subcommittee 9

Coordinator H&I 16

Co-Facilitator/ Vice Chair 5

Conference Agenda Report 4

Election (Trusted Servants) 8

Expense Allotment (SEC) 31

Expense Allotment (RCM/ ASR) 7

Expense Allotment (RCMA/ ASRA) 7

Financial Responsibility 30

Forum, Open 3

Funds, Non-budgeted 4, 30

Fundraisers 21

GSR/ GSRA Workshops 23

GSR Voting 4

GSR/ GSRA Duty 12

GSR/ GSRA Seating 7

H&I Coordinator 16

H&I Handbook 16

H&I Monthly Allotment 16

H&I Panel Leader 16

H&I Panel Member 16

H&I (Relapse) 15

H&I Subcommittee Guidelines 14, 15

H&L Voting 9

Literature Inventory 14

Literature Chair (clean time) 13, 26

Literature Subcommittee Guidelines 14, 26

Literature Backorders 14, 26

Literature Inventory 26

Literature Purchasing 26, 32

Literature Prudent Reserve 26

Literature (Shipping, Handling Charges) 14

Macon Coordinator 15

Meeting Format 2

Meeting (PASC) 2

Meeting Nonsmoking 2

Minutes 5

Motion Non Policy 4

Motion Policy 4

Motion in Force 26

Motion Makers 14

Motion Submitted 3

Policy Changing Motion 5

Policy Manual (update) 22

Policy Guidelines 22

Prudent Reserves (PASC) 4

Prudent Reserves (Anniversary) 13, 24

Prudent Reserves (H&I) 15

Prudent Reserves (PI) 18

Prudent Reserves (Policy) 22

PASC Voting 4

PI Guidelines 18

Quorum 3

Quarterly Fundraisers 12

Removal Trusted Servant 6, 10, 19

Returned Items 6

RCM 5, 6, 7

RCMA 5, 6, 7, 8

Reimbursements 14

Roll Call 11

Secretary 5

Second Sunday 2

Subcommittees 9

Trusted Servants 6

Treasurer (PASC) 6

Twelve Concepts 3

Twelve Traditions 3

Voting Procedures (PASC) 4

Warehouse (PASC) 27

WSO 14