OSC mailing groups

Google groups

The "owner' of these groups is oxleysc@gmail.com and there may be other editors and administrators.


Website: OSCBATS Group.

Email address: oscbats@googlegroups.com.

BATS sailors discussion group. Keith is administrator.


Website: Oxleysc Group..

Email address: oxleysc@googlegroups.com.

Editors include Campbell, Brian, Damian, Keith, John Hynd, Ross, Rebecca, Ricky, Mike Robinson.
Only editors can send email messages to the group. These messages will be delivered to all 165 members of the group who include most current members of the club plus past members, LTS students and others.

Replies to messages are sent to the group owner ie oxleysc@gmail.com.

OxleySC committee

Website: Oxleysc-Committee Oxleysc Committee Group.

Email address: oxleysc-committee@googlegroups.com.

Members of this group are all current committee members.

Any member can send a message or reply to a message.

Messages and replies are sent to all committee members.