About Off Track in Yellowstone

When Amelia Hankel begins to investigate the case of a stolen painting, her friend Celia Willowitz is skeptical at best- what can a couple of teenagers do that adults haven’t already tried?  But Amelia’s unrelenting enthusiasm and the strange facts of the case pull Celia in:  three days after the crime, the only suspect turns up in the snowy wilds of Yellowstone National Park, starving, frostbitten, and raving mad.  When the two girls stumble upon information that links the different pieces together- the painting, the suspect, and the wilderness- they decide it is time to set out on their own backcountry ski trip into Yellowstone.  As they become convinced that they on track towards finding the painting, they get drawn deeper and deeper into the winter wilderness.


This book began as a story told in front of the fire in a cabin not far from the events of this story.  I thought I'd write it up quickly as a gift—I expected it to be a quick diversion from some other writing projects.  Something about the book made me unable to let go, and it has spent two years in off-again-on-again revision.

This is the third major revision, is it done?

No, I'm afraid that I've combined a fifth revision with a full time job... progress is slow, but coming along.

Please contact me to tell me what you think:
