How to set up NagBar to connect to my monitoring system?

You have to open Preferences, go to the Data Feed tab, click Monitoring Instances and add a new monitoring instance by clicking on the + button.

After that you have to configure URL, username and password.

The URL is the path to the status.cgi script; i.e. if you have Nagios installation at http://nagios.mydomain.com/nagios/, then the URL which you should use is http://nagios.mydomain.com/nagios/cgi-bin/ or http://nagios.mydomain.com/nagios/cgi-bin/status.cgi. The same goes for Icinga and Thruk.

How can I use filters?

The filters provide you with the option to ignore certain hosts, services or services of specific hosts. In addition, you can filter only specific states. Also, you can use regular expressions.

So, imagine that you want to filter all services named "NTP Time" for all hosts. What you have to do is, add a new filter, enter .* in the Host field and NTP Time in the Service field. Then, put checkboxes for all service states. It should look like this:

Another case - filter out certain hosts (let's say, all hosts prefixed with test-) and their services. In this case you will have to add two filters - one for the hosts and one for their services. So, you have to create a new filter, add test-.* in the Host field, leave the Service field empty and click on all check checkboxes for Host states. It should look like this:

After that create second filter, again putting test-.* in the Host field, but also entering .* in the Service field and leaving all checkboxes for Services states enabled. It should look as follows:

How can I share NagBar's configuration with others?

The configuration is stored in the file ~/Library/Preferences/com.volendavidov.NagBar.plist. You can just copy it and share it with others.

I lost my configuration with NagBar 1.3.0. Why?

The new version uses Realm to store configuration data. The configuration file can be found at ~/Library/Application Support/com.volendavidov.NagBar/default.realm.

I want a new feature.

Create an issue at https://github.com/volendavidov/NagBar/issues. If you don't have a Github account or want to keep the communication private, use the contact form to request new features.

I found a bug.

Create an issue at https://github.com/volendavidov/NagBar/issues. If you don't have a Github account or want to keep the communication private, use the contact form to report bugs.