lecturizzate 001 - 010


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Lecturizzate 001

LECTURIZZATE Success and Discipline, definitely the more great inseparable friends.

Closure of the Olympic Winter Games

Definitely, to get great Olympic Results, will be product of the great discipline.

The Discipline is a great work realized daily. The Success is the result of great high level of discipline, reached by the Human Person.

To develop high level of Discipline, will be a great effort and very much constancy to get closest of the perfection.

The human person will have the potentiality of get great level of Discipline in some specialization.

The Success will always be the great challenge in the life of all human person.

The Success and the Discipline will always be the more great friends.

Success is something related to many integrated factors, it is not possible to say that there is a specific formula to achieve success. We say that is a series of integrated factors because are not only physical elements involved, especially will be those conditions and additional ingredients, able to lead the Human Development level necessary, where Success occurs.

Success is something related to levels of Integral Development of the Human Person, it is important to mention that when exist the True Success, the same shall be fully Enjoyed. When we refer to Enjoy Success fully achieved, we mention all related at the intangible world, where is possible to live those great human emotions, it is no longer possible to be quantified.

Success is not measured solely on the basis of specific measures and quantifications, Success is something beyond the quantifiable, it is a very private thing related to Emotional satisfactions of which will be an authentic human privilege to attain. Success is not just achieve something measured, is being able to live fully and Enjoy it.

The Discipline, beyond a great friend will be a great Allied of Success, but as mentioned above, the success is more comprehensive, something that will definitely have many more stalwarts Friends. Hopefully in the Life of the People, they can discover and help ourselves of great Friends of the Success.


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Exclusive Writers

Lecturizzate 002

LECTURIZZATE the importance of the development of Happiness in a life of each person.

In the illustration, you can see that Happiness is reached when the person achieves placed in higher levels of development. All development achieved, is the product of a process, the which, in its early stages of development, relates to those levels where we feel emotions related to Happiness, but in a very limited way of feeling.

Happiness will be the result of the high grade obtained in the Integral Development in the Human Being, with greater emphasis on the Emotional Development achieved, reflected in the very high capacity to feel.

Why Seek Happiness in the Exterior or all that physical world offer, when Happiness develops in the Interior of the Human Being?

Our relentless pursuit of Happiness, in all that can offer the world Externally, always leads to an apparent positive result, but as time passes, we realize that the result that always we thought we had gotten simply never existed.

Happiness is not so limited, is not like all that usually offers us the external World. Happiness is something of infinite proportions, something that is in constant development, simply something that never stops growing. To illustrate the above, imagine, a spring of clear water, which has the ability to give every day, the water more and more crystalline, in other words, never would dry, then whom had a chance to drink from these waters, each time, will drink water more crystalline, that is, drink water much, much, much more crystalline.

The true Happiness can only be given in an internal world, something very abstract and intimate that begins to develop within the human being, ie, in their very private emotional world.

That emotional world that belongs only to each person individually, only can be developed by himself, for enjoy and feel great emotions will be necessary to have developed a high level of Emotional development, then will be possible to live, all those superlative pleasant emotions, what we call Happiness.


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