


Jodi Snider is a wife to a God-fearing manly man and mother to two fun and compassionate teenagers. Through her own chronic illness journey, God has given her eyes to see the pain and suffering in many who are struggling. She has started a local support group for those who are struggling and their authenticity and openness brings such joy to her heart. She also owns an in home bakery with her daughter, grows herbs and veggies and enjoys time on the front porch watching the sun set. She loves a good bargain, loves her sweet dwarf goats but most of all, she loves watching God heal broken and hurting lives. 



Amy K. Hall grew up in St Clair, MO but now lives in Union, MO with her husband Aaron and their two sons, Evan (19) and Peyton (15).  Her day job is a math teacher at Rockwood Valley Middle School, 25 years and counting, and in the evening, she is a sports mom. She likes to lift heavy weights/workout, hang out with family, participate in in-depth Bible studies, bake/cook, and play piano. She is the pianist/song leader at FBC Union and is involved in the Franklin Baptist Association. 



Speaker - Author - Teacher - Motivator

Valerie Howe is a fast-paced and witty keynote speaker, seminar teacher, and author.  She also hosts a daily radio segment entitled, "Seriously."  She has held local and state-level positions within women's organizations in the Missouri Baptist Convention.  Valerie absolutely loves adding value to people through her presentations and inspiring audiences to action with her wit and practicality.  The individuals involved learn to dream big and take risks to become everything they aspire to be.  Valerie's goal is for the audience to apply what they learn, and she follows up to make sure implementation has occurred.


Janis is an active member of Crossway Baptist Church in Springfield, Missouri, where she serves on the women's ministry committee, disciples women, teaches Bible studies, and helps her husband lead a Life Group. She has been married for 22 years and homeschools her two children. She and her family have been involved with Freeway Ministries for eight years.  She is the owner of https://reallivefaith.com, a blog and online shop.  She loves the Lord, and her passion is to tell others about the saving grace of Jesus Christ and the way He has changed her life, her marriage, and her family for the better.


Bonnie Carter's passion is to know the Lord more deeply and to help others do the same. She looks at life with the Lord as an amazing journey that a lot of times feels more like a roller-coaster ride. She has seen many mountain tops as well as extremely deep valleys in her 40 plus years as a believer and wants to help others to grow deeper with God through their own roller-coaster ride. She and her husband Mark have been married for 36 years and have 3 children, 2 who are living their perfected lives with Jesus and their youngest son who is a music major at Spurgeon College in Kansas City. She is currently a Homeschool Curriculum Sales Representative, Volunteer Prayer Advocate for Operation Christmas Child, as well as an active member of Carpenter Street Baptist Church in Moberly, Mo. In her spare time, you will find her spending time with her family, reading books, and directing Homeschool Theatre Productions.


Jodi Snider is a wife to a God-fearing manly man and mother to two fun and compassionate teenagers. Through her own chronic illness journey, God has given her eyes to see the pain and suffering in many who are struggling. She has started a local support group for those who are struggling and their authenticity and openness brings such joy to her heart. She also owns an in home bakery with her daughter, grows herbs and veggies and enjoys time on the front porch watching the sun set. She loves a good bargain, loves her sweet dwarf goats but most of all, she loves watching God heal broken and hurting lives.