The World Wide Web Is Too Crowded!

Big Data eCourse

Together with Laudius and another teacher I made a Big Data eCourse in Dutch about what Big Data is, how to analyze Big Data and Privacy & Ethics in Big Data research. With the code: GUISELAINE 10 percent discount (Affiliate).


Web Vs Population

Like in the real world the worldwide web is lacking space. The population growth has taken its biggest growth. The planet is too crowded, but with the wars, hacks, less people being born, the planet has a chance to survive compared to the web.

The Lack Of Space Problem On The Web

A few years ago the first voices started screaming about to much domain names being claimed. Now there is lack of space, mostly because people buy domain and don’t use it, forget about it or redirect to their website on another domain. Cleaning up this mess will be a big problem, because not all the old domains can be used anymore because of competition, strange use, and other problems.

Building A Website On Domain Of Big Companies

The big companies see market in this and start giving space away too email users to build their website on their domain. The space is limited, and the possibilities are limited but growing. It’s still a try-out, but something to watch.

Advantage Of Domain With Big Companies

There are advantages and disadvantages in the use of web spaces with big companies.  The advantages are:

Disadvantages Of Domain With Big Companies

The disadvantages are:

Use it or not is a choice with a risk, but worth it if I am handy with it and can live with the limited possibilities. The possibilities are even less than in WordPress. Be aware before starting because it’s free.

Another Solution I See

Another solution the IT world or marketing world came up with is that there are domain names with other extensions than the common ones (.com, .nl, etc.). It is like they came up with new surnames for the web. An example is