
Micah's Song

(Micah 6: 3, 6-8)

A modern musical setting of Micah 6: 3-8. The chorus is taught easily as it is written in a call and response form. The music evokes an ancient time (i.e. before we starting worrying about things like parallel fifths). This song has been updated with a new third verse which is presently included in the lyrics, lyrics and chords, lead sheet and accompaniment version.

" ...and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? " Micah 6: 8b

To watch a video of the hymn version, click here.

To watch an instrumental version of the song, click here.

To download the lyrics, click here.

To download a lyrics and chords version, click here.

To download a ChordPro version of the song, click here.

To download the lead sheet, click here.

To view a sample of or to purchase the accompaniment version through Sheet Music Plus, click here.

Click here to see a sample of or to purchase the SATB anthem version of the hymn through Sheet Music Plus. The anthem is available for $15, which allows you to make as many copies as needed for your church choir.

Level: medium/easy Performance time: 2 minutes

Canadian customers, please contact us at davidwkai@gmail.com for possible discounts.

Please report any congregational use to One License or CCLI.

The music is available for download through iTunes and others and can be streamed through Spotify (see below), Apple Music, Pandora and many others.

Click here to listen to the song on Apple Music.

Click here to listen to the song on Spotify.

MICAH'S SONG (Seek Justice) based on Micah 6: 3, 6-8.

Words and music by David Kai. Tune: Popoff


Seek justice (seek justice),

Love kindness (love kindness),

Walk humbly with your God,

(walk humbly with your God).

In troubled times when God’s message must be heard,

Prophets like Micah proclaim the living word,

“How have I wronged you, my people,

You who I guard, who I save?”


“Will I be pleased with burnt offerings and oil,

fruits of your labours and harvests of your toil?

I seek no sacrifices,

Listen to what I require”


Now is the time when God’s message must be heard,

This is the day to embrace the living word,

Will we take heed, or ignore them,

Words ancient, needed today?
