Population Dynamics

Web-gLV is a GUI based interactive platform for generalized Lotka-Volterra (gLV) based modeling and simulation of populations. The tool can be used to generate the mathematical models with automatic estimation of parameters and use them to predict future trajectories using numerical simulations. Web-gLV also allows users to upload custom parameter files for the population (growth rate and interaction matrix) and perform simulations.

Highlighted features include

  • Allows easy uploading user defined parameters (growth rates and inter species interaction matrix) and perform simulations
  • Comprehensive visual summary (using box and trend plots) of the input microbial abundance data which can be interactively used for selecting the taxa intended for simulation. Additionally, Web-gLV generates a microbial association network, which can also be used for selecting the starting taxonomic groups
  • A fully interactive trajectory viewer for visualizing the input time series as well as compare the predicted results. Users can selectively view a part of the trajectory for a selected set of microbes and apply a log transformation on the abundance values. The view (for the observed plot) is automatically set to the simulation time range for easy comparison. In addition, the viewer also allows performing a moving average based smoothing on the displayed trends using an input box (provided at the left bottom corner)
  • Starting point of simulation (‘seed’) can be interactively selected from the input dataset and can be easily modified to induce known perturbations (by editing the starting point values)

Click here to visit the web server : https://web.rniapps.net/webglv/

A graphical summary of the overall methodology is presented below. Please refer to the user manual and the manuscript for more details.