Which Question Can Help a Writer Revise an Argumentative Essay?

Which Question Can Help a Writer Revise an Argumentative Essay?

An argumentative essay remains a constant in any subject, regardless of the course or major, during the college career. An argumentative essay is ideally an evidence-based approach to essay writing. One needs to give an argument in support of their position by presenting valid evidence.

The writer uses argument in academic writing in the humanities and social science. These essays call for extensive research, including data collection and the examination of interpretation of different evidence forms. Generally, writers present their argument essay early and reveal evidence supporting the thesis in the body.

The focus of an argumentative essay is to take a stance on a chosen topic. After that, the student needs to provide dispassionate evidence to support it in the argument essay. While avoiding emotion, the format favours statements and facts. Furthermore, an argumentative essay focuses typically on controversial topics that inspire debate and disagreement, but they avoid using hyperbolic or impassion language and opinion. Again, the format of the argumentative essays is written from a third-person narrative, and one does not have any subjective voicing.

Process of writing the argumentative essays

Argumentative writing is an evidence-based writing style, so the process is generally based on collecting evidence through research. In some writing styles, writers might begin writing or conceptualizing their thesis before conducting the research bulk.

Choose a topic

The first step in writing argumentative essays is to select the topic that one is writing about for a particular assignment. If one is writing about a class, the instructor must choose the case for them. Otherwise, they are free to write on topics they like. Generally speaking, it is best to write about topics of interest, and there should be an active debate surrounding the topic with different opinions and science.


After deciding on the topic, one needs to dive into the research phase. Depending on the field of study they are working in, the type of research might work very. For example, if they are studying history, they would likely be looking at historical facts and historical analysis.

Social science might employ different research methods like interviews and data collection analysis.

Construct argument

After an extensive research phase, one needs to start constructing the argument. At this point, the student should have a pretty thorough understanding of the topic and the different positions that the experts and academics have taken on it. Further work, they should generally know where they stand and what stance they want to take on the paper. Then, they can begin to construct their argument by formulating the position and organizing evidence to support the same.

Organize evidence

Once they’ve decided where they stand on an issue, the student can organize evidence supporting the position. After that, he needs to gather further evidence and sources so that the research is as varied and compelling as possible. First, one must determine how they want to present their argument. Then, they need to organize those resources into different teams and even at various points.

Above all, the writer lays out the evidence in a logical progression in the body paragraphs. Research-based argumentative essays can be challenging, but a strong understanding of the conventions of the niche can help one with the writing process.