Billing Information

Our mission is to provide accessible, affordable care to improve health and educational outcomes. We aim to deliver community health equity and eliminate health disparities. 

All children can receive health care services in the clinic regardless of their ability to pay or health insurance status.  

Our goal is to offer low and no-cost healthcare services in the district. Health insurance will be billed to help cover the costs of your child’s visit. 

You will not receive a bill from the clinic. You will, however, receive an Explanation of Benefits (EOB) from your insurance company that outlines your clinic costs not covered by your insurance. If you choose to, you may pay or donate the EOB amount to the clinic. 

Payment can be made via PayPal. At this time, staff are unable to process payments at the Clinic. 

Any amount you are able to pay is considered payment in full. If you are unable to pay, your child will still receive health care services. 

Questions can be directed to

We have several important partnerships with organizations that provide funding that allow Bear Care to provide no-cost services to the White Bear Lake Area Community. These partnerships include: