Lesson 2.2.13 SHIFT Key

Teaching Point: I can capitalize letters by using the Shift key.

1. Introduction video

Watch the introduction video that will walk you through the steps of what you are expected to do during this lesson.

2. High Utility Words (Vocabulary)

Home Row Keys

Home row keys is the middle row of the keyboard. This row is called the Home Row because that's where you place your fingers when typing.

Your left hand/fingers gently relax on the A (pinky), S (ring), D (middle) , F (index) keys.

Your right hand/fingers gently relax on the J (index), K(middle) ,L (ring), and ; (pinky) keys.


Accuracy means to type the words correctly and accurately. This means to type without making any mistakes! Remember to go slow and steady!

3. Mini Lesson Video

4. Independent Work Time

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  2. Click Login with Google

  3. Use your @ps361q.org email account and password to login

  4. Get started by selecting Intermediate (on the left side of the menu) and complete Lesson 5: Shift/Capitalization