"You are never alone and always loved when you discover your true self." -J.A.B.

When Am I Me?

Do you feel like you are a stranger to yourself at times?

That people, places, things, events...in your life force you to feel, act and think different to who you really are?

If you answered yes, you are not the only one. We all mold ourselves to people, places, things, events...

Those of you who disagree, take a look at the clothes you wear, books you read, television shows/movies you watch, people around you (the one's you try to impress and the ones that impress upon you), etc...

We are all constantly influenced by our surroundings and we (consciously or unconsciously) mold ourselves to relate to the people, places, things, events...in our lives.

We have to because everyone is unique and different! You are unlike anyone else.

To communicate we sometimes have to step out of me and enter we, we see through their eyes, trying to understand another point of view by asking them questions.

With this knowledge, we should ask ourselves if we have lost site of the me in the we?

When are you....you? Because everyone and everything else is already taken.

*Grab a blank piece of paper and a writing utensil (that works) and write at the top of the page When Am I Me?.

Now answer the question, use the entire page and keep writing until it is full--the entire page. Please, NO JUDGING, simply investigate and discover!

Tip: This question can be asked from many perspectives, answer from a loving place, a place of learning about yourself through every person, place or thing that has happened FOR you in your life. The When Am I Me? question can be answered using all the other questions above.

Who or what makes me feel the closest to being me that I can be? In other words, with whom or what can my Emotions, Actions and Thoughts (E.A.T.s) be expressed freely?

When can I be me? When can my E.A.T.s be expressed freely?

Where can I be me?

Why is being me important?

How can I be me? How does it make me feel to be me?

How often am I me?

Tap in to the unconditional love you hold for yourself (we all possess unconditional love for ourselves) and allow yourself to discover...YOU!

Keep in mind that...

"You are what you E.A.T. (Emotion, Act, Think), believe and value!" -J.A.B.

When you have completed this exercise you may move on to another question...