
Front Cover of "Discover" by Dr. Root-Bernstein

Root‑Bernstein, R. S. Discovering. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1989). [A Science Book Club main selection] Paperback, 1991. Reprinted by Replica Press (Baker and Taylor), 1998. [Translated into Korean, 2018].

Front cover of "Rethinking AIDS: The Tragic Cost of Premature Consensus" by Dr. Root-Bernstein

Root‑Bernstein, R. S. Rethinking AIDS (New York: Free Press, 1993). [A Book‑of‑the‑Month Club alternate selection]

Front cover of "Honey, Mud, Maggots and Other Medical Marvels" by Robert and Michele Root-Bernstein

Root‑Bernstein, R. S. and Root‑Bernstein, M. M. Honey. Mud. Maggots, and Other Medical Marvels (Boston: HoughtonMifflin, 1997). Reprinted by Macmillan, 1999. [Book‑of‑the‑Month Club selection; Books on Tape; translated into Italian and Portuguese] Paperback, Mariner Press, 1999; British reprint by Macmillan, 1999; paperback, 2000.

Front cover of "Sparks of Genius" by Robert and Michele Root-Bernstein

Root‑Bernstein, R. S. and Root‑Bernstein, M. M. Sparks of Genius, (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1999) [Book-of-the-Month Club Selection; Quality Paperbacks; translated into Swedish, Chinese (three editions, 2001; 2006; 2016)]. Paperback, Mariner Press, 2001; Portuguese: Centelhas de Genios, Sao Paolo, Brazil, 2001; Spanish: El secreto de la creatividad. Barcelona: Kairos, 2002; Korean: Saenggageui Tansaeng Seoul: Eco’s Books (Ecoeuiseojae), 2007; Sparks of Genius for Children, Seoul: Eco’s Books (Ecoeuiseojae), 2008; Japanese: 2018.

Root‑Bernstein, R. S. "The Ionists: Founding Physical Chemistry, 1872‑1890" Ph.D. Dissertation, Princeton University, 1980. Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms, 1981.

The Essential Connection: The Arts of Scientists (in preparation)

Modern Leonardos: Artists, Musicians and Performers as Scientists and Inventors (in preparation)