Why is my MetaMask browser not working? 

Oftentimes, when you try to use any function of MetaMask or start using it from scratch, you may come across some uninvited guests. Well, most of the time, users face issues while operating the MetaMask browser extension. Hence, this article is going to cover all the problems that you might face with this browser extension along with the sure-shot remedies. 

Along with that learning the reasons and solutions to this problem, we will also cover some additional topics which will help you in determining various other aspects related to it. 

Reasons and troubleshooting tips 

How do I update MetaMask browser?

Updating MetaMask also helps when the MetaMask browser does not work. Hence, we are here with the steps to help you update the extension. The following steps can be performed on any web browser extension including MetaMask Chrome Extension: 

Does MetaMask work on all browsers?

MetaMask has been designed to work with only a few browsers such as 

However, you may also use it on your mobile devices by installing its mobile app on your Android and iOS smartphones. But, please make sure that you install the extension or the app only from its official website or other authentic sources. 

MetaMask browser not working on mobile 

MetaMask, if you wish to use it via its browser extension works only on desktop-based web browsers. To find out which web browsers it works, you may take a look at the section above. On the other hand, if you wish to use MetaMask on your mobile device, it only works through its mobile app. 

In case MetaMask is not working on your mobile device, try: 

How do I access MetaMask in browser? 

Upon a successful installation of MetaMask, the MetaMask file will automatically open on your browser. In case it does not open, you need to wait for some time and then click on the jigsaw icon at the top of your browser. From the list of installed extensions, choose MetaMask and you'll end up opening MetaMask on your device. 

If you haven't downloaded MetaMask yet, you may go to the official MetaMask website viz. metamask.io and then install its browser extension from there. 

Read more - MetaMask web browser extension wont open

Closing the read: 

When MetaMask fails to load or does not work in an expected manner, there is nothing to get panicked about because we have some tried and tested solutions for you so that you can start using MetaMask right away. Read the given reasons and troubleshooting tips carefully and apply them one by one to get rid of the issue. 

If everything fails to work, get assistance from the MetaMask Support team.