20th and 21st Century Latin American Literature and Cultural Production

Environmental Humanities, Material Ecocriticism, Queer Ecologies

Women Writers of Spain and Latin America

Indigenous Knowledges, Environmental Justice

Feminism and Gender Studies

Visual Media, Popular Culture, Digital Humanities


"María Fernanda Cardoso: Queering the Natural History Museum." Quarterly, Journal of the Center for Sustainable Practice in the Arts, special issue on Queer Ecologies, edited by Tarsh Bates, 19 (2018): 26-29.

“Becoming a Fish: Trans-Species Beings in Narrative Fiction of the Southern Cone.” Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment 23.4 (2016): 649-710.

“El huso en el centro del universo: el entrelazamiento cuántico en la poesía visual de Cecilia Vicuña.” Letras femeninas 42.1 (2016): 179-192.

“Emergent Rhizomes: Posthumanist Environmental Ethics in the Participatory Art of Ala Plástica.” Confluencia 31.2 (2016): 85-98.

“‘Le propongo un juego’: la performatividad del género y las relaciones matrimoniales en Trescientos veintiuno, trescientos veintidós de Ana Diosdado.” Gestos 59 (2015): 51-65.


“Beyond the Anthropocene: Multispecies Encounters in Contemporary Latin American Literature, Art, and Film”

From an interdisciplinary perspective that incorporates emerging theories in multispecies ethnography, material ecocriticism, and queer ecology, I examine aesthetic representations of multispecies relationships while uncovering indigenous and other-than-dominant epistemologies about human-nonhuman entanglements in an age of planetary crisis. I argue that writers, filmmakers, and artists such as Teresa Porzacanski, Daniela Tarazona, Astrid Cabral, Juan Carlos Galeano, Lucía Puenzo, Alejandra Zermeño, María Fernanda Cardoso, and Solmi Angarita depart from the dystopian ecological narratives of recent decades by casting the moment of encounter between species as a hopeful figuration of a world beyond the Anthropocene in which diverse species flourish together, forging a better future for our shared planet.