Stan Budzik

Stanley has lived in the Terrier community his whole life. During this time he has built  bonds and friendships with so many different kids and adults throughout the community. He has supported all students and staff throughout all the schools in the districts. In 1995 Stanley started driving buses for the district.  From 2010-2021 he has been head of transportation for WNESU.  Stanley has always gone out of his way to make sure there was a bus and driver to take kids on field trips, sports, plays, academic meets, and so much more.  Not only has he been here for the community through driving he has supported many sporting events.  Throughout the years he has volunteered at softball games, wrestling tournaments, field hockey games, and went to scout football games for the Terrier coaches. Twice Stanley has dyed his hair purple to support teams that have gone to state playoff games.  Stanley has participated and gone to many elementary, middle, and high school graduations; he has been to many different concerts and plays that kids have asked him to come to. Stanley has participated in Westminster Center School thanksgiving feast for the last 16 years just so he could laugh, joke, and support different kids whose families could not be there.