Brent Lisai

As a member of the BFUHS Class of 1967, Terrier football team for 4 years, and one of the most enthusiastic alumni participants who truly bleeds purple, there are dozens of reasons why Brent is bestowed with this honor. Here are the top 3. 

1. Fire Fighting

Brent has served our community as a volunteer community fireman for over 40 years. He was a dedicated volunteer firefighter who was at every fire, whether it was during the day or at night. Brent, along with Steve James, was credited with saving two people from definite peril on the night of the Starr Hotel fire, when two of our local firefighters gave their lives in the call of duty. Additionally, at every major fire since he retired as actively firefighting, Brent has supplied coffee, waters, donuts, sandwiches for the many volunteer fire men and women from many different local communities who were there fighting fires in Bellows Falls, at no cost to the community, but as his thank you to those volunteers.

2. Old Home Days and Fireworks

From the start of the Rockingham Old Home Days, it was the Lisai family, Lolic and Brent, that fund-raised, set up and fired off the fireworks at Old Home Days. In recent years, with the change of fireworks regulations, it was Brent who continued to do all of the fund raising, hiring of the weekend staff and paying for the fireworks for Old Home Days. Without him, the fireworks would have gone away years ago. As a result, Brent has a direct and major impact on keeping Old Home Days alive, which is an economic boost to our community. He was recognized for this hard work by our Chamber of Commerce as they named him Citizen of the Year in 2013. 

3. Community support

Brent is a generous supporter and sponsor of all local golf tournaments. He steps up with gift cards for local raffles and often does the meals after at a rate where he does not make any profit, simply benefitting the fundraising goals of our community. Brent and the Lisai family and store have supported the PeeWee organization since the start of the program, over 50 years ago. 

Brent is a great supporter of BFUHS school teams, often supplying meals for away game trips at no cost to the school or families. He often donates to Project Grad, Central School 5K, and many others in addition to the sporting teams.

Brent is a great supporter of our fraternal organizations that support our Veterans, Seniors and youth. By his donation of meat, at cost or less, he has helped to have these fraternal organizations fundraise and therefore support our local Veterans, Seniors and youth.

Brent is a true Terrier at heart and has instilled the Terrier pride into his daughter and granddaughter. Being involved in many community events, attending events clad in purple, you’ll find him throwing the best BBQ on the parade route every Alumni Sunday with a booming welcome to his fellow alum!