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What is SBA?

The Student Bar Association ("SBA") serves as the law-school student government, representing and supporting Arizona Law students. 

What does SBA do?

The SBA provides numerous services to students and the law-school community throughout the year. We serve as a student voice to the Administration by implementing ventures such as a campus-relaxation room, a new kitchen on campus, and a water-bottle fountain. Our annual events include a New Student Orientation Breakfast (Fall Semester), the Welcome Back Picnic (Fall Semester), Trivia (Fall & Spring Semesters), Wellness Week (Fall & Spring Semesters), a 1L Study Hall (Fall & Spring Semesters), the Phoenix Connect Event (Spring Semester), and Barrister's Ball (Spring Semester). 

How does SBA work?

The SBA is run by an Executive Board, which includes a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Marketing and Outreach Coordinator, Events Programming Coordinator, and American Bar Association ("ABA") Representative. There is also a Hall of Delegates ("HOD"), comprised of Delegates from each year, as well as At-Large Delegates, who represent all students. Each Delegate participates in an SBA Committee, spearheaded by a member of the Executive Board. The current SBA Committees are ABA, Community Building, Events, Finance & Membership, and Marketing & Merchandise. Elections for the Executive Board, At-Large Delegates, 3L Delegates, and 2L Delegates take place in the Spring Semester. Elections for 1L Delegates take place in the Fall Semester, with each small section electing two Delegates.

May I attend a meeting?

Yes! Meetings are open to the entire student body. 

What if I have more questions?

Email us at or fill out the feedback form below!