Music Road Map Symbols

Normally we read music from left to right, starting on the top staff and working our way down each staff until there's nothing left. There are many times, however, when the composer wants us to play a section twice, or to go back to an earlier part of the piece and then either finish in the middle or else skip music already played so that a new, final section can be performed. These "direction signs" point us in the right direction as we read. They also allow the composer to avoid writing parts of the music again and again.

These short lessons (most less than two minutes) show the signs you'll most often find. Words are used instead of notes so that you can focus on the purpose of the lesson without any distraction.


play a section twice before moving on

1st & 2nd ENdings

play the beginning of a section twice and play a specific ending each time


Go back to the beginning


go back to the sign

al fine

to fine (stop here, even though it's in the middle of the piece.

al coda

to the coda (skip over a section already played, and play the unplayed final part of the music.