Duets from


by John Kinyon

BREEZE-EASY 2 is a popular trombone method book by John Kinyon (pub. Alfred Music, 1958, renewed 1984). Most of the exercises and songs are written for one part, but there are a few duets. This video and the accompanying ones in this series cover those duets so that students can practice them on their own.

The metronome is set at 80. Each duet in Volume 2 is in either 2/4 or 6/8, so all will have two measures of prep beats (4 beats). The metronome will beat twice per measure, so it will click on every quarter note when the duet is in 2/4 and on every dotted-quarter note when the duet is in 6/8.

•I play the bottom part first so that the student can play the top part.

•I play the top part second so that the student can play the bottom part.

Try to play the notes in time. Once you can do that, think about matching my style, articulation, and dynamics.


Lesson 1, #6

Lesson 3, #6

Lesson 3, #8

Lesson 10, #6

Lesson 12, #4

The top line in this duet is in 3/8 and the bottom line is in 6/8, so the four prep beats are actually four measures for the top and two measures for the bottom.

Lesson 17, #4

Lesson 19, #5

Lesson 23, #4