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Hey, welcome to my site! I'm StickyChannel92 and I present many things here. I can work on cursors and icons, Macintosh, calculator emulators, games, embed code, and more.

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This site can be reached by typing "" in the address bar. I'm also known as The Derpy Girl.

To open an image in a new tab, open it, and wait for it to load before clicking on the tab, otherwise it would display a 403 error.


Username is StickyChannel92 and I make cursors for your mouse. Check 'em out! (Coming Soon)

I make programs for the TI calculators. Use them in your emulator or use a link cable to use 'em.

This is just a page with archive files, like images, files to use and more.

Check out my latest news!

I make many things, like animated GIF images, fonts, recipes and much more. Here is a gallery of 'em.

You might want to get to know me before going any further. Check it out!