Virtual Exhibitions


The idea behind the virtual exhibitions is to host a series of posts

with a particular focus on one area of study related to Sikh or Punjabi History.

They last for two weeks and then expire until they next return.

Walking with Nanak

Haroon Khalid, the author of the book "Walking with Nanak" took over the Instagram of SikhArchive to present ten images of historical Sikh Gurdwaras located in Pakistan. These include many Gurdwaras which are mentioned in his book and happen to be unbeknown to many Sikhs across the diaspora. It was received positively and was closed with 3 free book giveaways to the following courtesy of SikhArchive.

The Widow Colony

The virtual exhibition on the Widow Colony is inspired by the work of Dr Kamal Arora and her article “I Get Peace:” Gender and Religious Life in a Delhi Gurdwara. The posts explore important talking points regarding the Gurdwara, the gender and caste dynamics as well as the architecture and surroundings of the complex. This exhibition immediately followed the podcast conversation with Dr Kamal Arora.

Ad Dharam and Ravidassia

In this exhibition, we explore the role of Casteism in Sikhi and in particular look at the role and formation of the Ad Dharm movement as well as the Ravidassia. The exhibition came directly after recording a conversation with Professor Mark Juergensmeyer on the same topic. We discuss several talking points from the religious reform movements in the early 20th century to the recent attack in Vienna.