
All items sold on this page are at cost and no money is made from the sales. Shipping and handling costs are additional. To make a purchase, please contact Akemi Nix (nixra "at" Payment is by PayPal or U.S. money order.


Small Seidokan (Child's Size, 3 1/4") $7.00 each

Medium Seidokan (Adult Size, 3 7/8") $7.00 each

Large Seidokan (Adult Size, 4 1/4") $7.00 each

Ryukoku Rocker (One Size) $3.00 each

Note: Shipping and Handling is $5.00 per order.

Seidokan Flag

$60 each plus shipping and handling

Note: This flag is being phased out. Sensei Tamae's Okinawa Seidokan Karate Kubudo Renmei (OSKKR) flag is now available (same price); photo coming soon.

Ryukoku Seidokan Flag

$60 each plus shipping and handling

$70 a Set; includes box, stamp ink, stamp pad and Hanko Stamp with dojo name in Katakana/Kanji. In the Remarks Section, please include the name of your dojo for translation into Katakana. Hanko size is 21mm x 21mm.